Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cinco de Mayo with Juarez the Guinea Pig

The weather turned chilly outside, although Daddy never saw it.  Madison did though:  she had a field trip today, a simple one where everyone just went to a city park.  Mommy dressed her warmly, and it's a good thing - the temperature never really rose today, and the cloudy skies sort of kept everything on the cool.  Regardless, Madison had a good time, as you would expect.

Daddy stayed home, this even though it was the National Day of Prayer.  There are things and places to go and do this week, but this fever has officially grounded me.  We're talking 102 all week long, and no sleep at night.  No consecutive sleep, at least.  The coughing sees to that.

Madison didn't have much to do when getting home, so it was straight to her magazine work, where she's creating a ballet fiction story that you'll see soon enough.  Madison is doing better at her piano solo, although admittedly, she still needs to practice.  That she'll do as the week goes on.

It was Cinco de Mayo today, which basically means eat Mexican food.  Since it isn't Taco Tuesday, this seems kind of redundant, but not to Madison, who will basically eat tacos at any time and any place.  So tacos it was for dinner, and for Daddy, toast.  That's the best he can do right now.

Tonight, in keeping with the spy theme, we watched "G-Force," the old movie with trained guinea pigs.  It's a fun movie, one we might be showing a clip from at KidPak soon.

After the movie, it was time for Rocket and Groot, our devotional, and our prayers.  Praying this illness goes away sooner… really!

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