Sunday, May 16, 2021

All Kinds of Church

KidPak was crazy this morning!  We had so many challenges today, with people out in the sound booth, video uploading trouble, and a cast member out sick at the last minute.  Nevertheless, it went well despite the challenges, and it was a fun morning.   Madison got to see this service at KidPak, serving there for one service, and then for the other service, sitting upstairs to watch Dr. Mark Rutland speak.  Josh and I have done some performances for Dr. Rutland, ones he wrote.  That was back in 2018.  Madison hasn't sat to listen to him before, so this was her first time.  She enjoyed it, telling me a few things afterwards about the service, including the big question about Phillip from the Bible.  In the book of Acts, when he gets transported from baptism to a street corner some distance away, the question is, was Phillip soaking wet?

It was a good morning at church, and it was a great night at church too.  We went home this afternoon, and had enough time to rest a bit.  We were playing Disney Infinity somewhat, doing the "Brave" level there.  Maddie got a shower, and we ate a great lunch meal that Mom prepared.  It was so nice outside, I sat out there for a bit just reading.  We also got to watch KidPak online, an episode where we filmed a really awesome game for a few weeks ago, one that Madison was a part of.

It was a game of blind dodgeball, and there were about eight contestants, all blindfolded, all hurling balls at each other.  It was hysterical.  What's funny is who won the game, Pastor Camille.  It was fun to watch - this was filmed a while ago, and edited in a great way by Isaac.  One thing that's interesting about this is that I was filming this episode while having a 99% blockage.  I was struggling during this, having a really hard time of it.  The footage doesn't reflect it, but it's wild looking at this footage so much later now.  Madison had a great time, as you can see here.  She loves any kind of dodgeball!

Eventually, we were back at Free Chapel for FC Youth tonight, which started out with small groups that you can see above.  She had a friend there selling earrings, and Madison brought along some money to be one of the first customers.  The small group was good too, and then after that of course was the large group gathering in the sanctuary.  Madison really enjoyed the evening - she always lingers too, sticks around afterwards to hang around with friends and play games.  It was a really good day.  She was at four different services today, if you include the online one!

We got some ice cream on the way home, and after that we headed home so Madison could finish up some work on one of her projects.  

We read tonight, and soon after that we were asleep fairly quick.  It was such a full day, but it was a good one.

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