Saturday, May 15, 2021

Ups and Downs

Madison started with Team Edge today, and in fact, today was pretty much the first day the team met together.  The class wasn't necessarily a class, but rather a training session, combined the somewhat of an introduction to the team.  The training wasn't as hard as one recent night, the "Night of 500 Fists," or even the Immersion Camp either.  But it was a good start to things, and it will be taking place every other Saturday from this point on.  It was about an hour and a half long, and Madison had a great time with the team.  This time together was a lot more informal than the usual gathering.  There were moments of intense training, but then times where the team just sat around and talked with one another, goofing off a bit.  It was a nice balance.

I made two trips to get much today, one of those trips being with Madison who wanted to pick up a phone case for her new iPhone.  We got that taken care of, got the mulch, and got home to start putting in out in the yard.  We're expanding the side area where the birdhouse is, and it's looking good.  Mom and Nana have been clearing out the undergrowth and leaves from beneath the bushes over there, pruning and cutting away excess branches.  We've got plenty of mulch left, stacked up in the garage.  Speaking of which, recently we've been going through all the boxes that had display case material for the various series at KidPak.  It all had to go, so we've been going through the boxes at home in the garage.  The "Fish Tales" box had these metal signs, and they looked so good, they're now hanging on the wall of the garage with the other metal signs.  They look great.

One day out of seven I'm having pains or feeling less than optimistic about the cardiac situation.  Today was one of those bad days.   I'm trying to be a little more upbeat, but some days are certainly downers.  Today was one of those.

Still, it was a good day today, although a pretty quiet day.  We couldn't do much today because that class was in the midst of the day.  Not that we can do much at the moment anyway, given that Nana has to be part of the equation.  That's been limiting quite a bit.

So we stayed home and tonight we watched "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." again, moving along with season two.  We watched a few episodes of those, got to reading tonight, and got to bed early.  Tomorrow is a pretty full day at church.

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