Saturday, May 22, 2021

Blue Jays, Recitals, and Fashion

So here's our baby jay this morning, and as you can see, this jay is nearly domesticated!  Mom was feeding the bird some berries, and she seemed quite content with us on the deck here.

She was pretty vocal too, calling out frequently.  We were looking for mom and dad, but didn't see the parents until a bit later when we think we saw them flying up to the a few branches nearby the back deck.

This bird looked healthy and ready to move on, and we were anxious to do the right thing.  So we looked up online what we could, and that's when we discovered that baby jays spend about five days on the ground, and that what we were witnessing yesterday was okay.  

Still, we wanted to present the baby jay with a place of safety, so the thinking was that we'd put it up in a high branch that was nearby a lot of other branches, and that way it could scurry from one branch to another and still be okay.  So I got out the big ladder, and after trying one tree, we found another that would work better.  Carefully, we placed the baby jay on the branch up high.

The baby jay sat there for a bit as we descended the ladder slowly and backed away.  He didn't make any noise, but rather just sat there, taking in the world around him for a moment.

I managed to snap a few of these pictures, and things seemed to be okay up there on the branch.  But sure enough, he just glided off the branch, and right back to the ground again.  And after a few moments there, guess who showed up?

Both parents came down to visit - you can see one here to the right, and the baby jay is to the left, very close by to the parent jay.  We sat on the back deck today, listening and hearing the baby jay and the parents.  I was surprised the last few days that blue jays actually sound a bit like ducks.  Crazy, huh?

We got a few things done this morning around the house, although it was getting warmer and warmer outside.  Madison spent some time practicing for her piano recital tonight, and Mom had prepared an amazing meal with corn, potato salad, chicken, and the usual assortment of summer food.

But soon it was time to get ready for the recital.  Maddie cleaned up, and got all dressed up for the occasion.  We even did a little fashion shoot!


We piled into the car and went over to a church on Thompson Bridge Road, getting there early so Madison could practice a bit on the piano there.

It also gave me an opportunity to take a few photos of her playing.  She sounded good with the song, and she was ready to go.

That's when she saw the program and realized that she was actually first on the list of performances.  She's never been first before!  But nevertheless, she was, and she was a little nervous about that.  

Nevertheless, she did well.  I don't think she missed a single note, actually.  Or, at least if she did, I didn't hear it.  She was fantastic, and the funny thing about this - again - is that she only decided to do this particular song on Wednesday, three days ago.  Yeah.

Her friend from church, Violet, was here today.  Violet did very well too.  We did a picture together last time, and here's another one of the girls doing their recital together once more.  They're both very talented girls!

My camera is failing in certain areas, so the focus is completely off in this above.  We can't share huge files here, so this is just part of her performance.  But it turned out well!

Afterwards, there was a reception of sorts with cookies and drinks, and a bit of mingling.  We all had a few bites to eat, and then soon after that it was time to head back home again.  We watched a few things tonight, and of course we read and we prayed.  Today was a pretty full day though, one with blue jays, recitals, and fashion!

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