Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Twist


Part of our Storm Chasers prep today was listening to a few of these gems I happened to have.  I can't remember which of the two it is, but I have two of these Chubby Checker albums, and one of them has step-by-step instructions that show you how exactly to do "The Twist."  Mom and I were reading this as we were listening in the living room here, doing a quick demonstration for Nana.  It was fun!

Here's something else we did:

May the Fourth is coming up in a few days, but that night Madison needs to be studying and getting a good night's rest, although we may be watching that new Star Wars program, "The Bad Batch."  So given we had more time today, the two of us create this Millennium Falcon you see above.  Madison added the dots as I was pouring on the white icing carefully there.  We also added some designs to the cardboard piece there at the bottom to make it sort of like a landing pad or something.

The tricky part was actually spelling out "Star Wars" on the sides with the icing.  It's not exactly my thing, being precise with icing.  But it came out pretty well, and I'm pleased with it.  We'll share these pictures online on Star Wars Day.

Madison and I spent some time doing this, and all the while we had "Han Solo" playing on the big screen, and then a few episodes featuring "The Bad Batch" after that, as the new show starts Tuesday.

Ah, the birds.  They're still there and growing.  We peek in from time to time, and see they're getting bigger.  Momma bird can't stay in there anymore with them, as they've been growing up so fast.  

Dinner was good today - I had a veggie burger, which was fantastic, and Madison had her usual gallon of hot sauce to accompany tater tots and chicken.  She uses hot sauce everywhere, literally as a salad dressing or as a topping on potatoes.  She's addicted.

Today we were doing that Storm Chaser prep, and part of that involved heading out to the thrift stores to look for some clothing for Storm Chasers.  But look at these two albums Mom got for me:

We were just talking about these old Sandi Patti albums, and to find a few in good condition was pretty awesome.  Also awesome:  a complete collection of Upper Deck 1990 MLB baseball cards for just $3.  That was hard to pass up.  In fact, I didn't pass it up.  I got home and was looking through the cards, spotting a few big rookie cards in there.  And of course the Atlanta Braves cards too!

We were reading tonight, and after that prayers.  We're getting to bed early on Saturdays, as Sunday morning is a big deal around here.  We're ready for Storm Chasers!

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