Friday, May 7, 2021

Blueberries on the Way!

Mom cut back these bushes last week, pruning them and just cleaning up all around this area, and now look what's coming!  We'll have easy access to our blueberries, and we have a lot of them coming soon.  We got some bird netting to help protect the bushes, and some time soon I look forward to sharing pictures of our blueberry harvest!

Today was Madison's math Milestones, and sure enough, she thinks she did rather well on it.  She got home, and was in a rather good mood when she was home, as math has been the bane of her existence lately.  She's not a math person at all lately.  

She got home and our turnaround time is pretty fast - we were off to taekwondo fairly quickly, where she was engaged with her black belt class.  She's not stressed, as she's not moving up in belt ranking next week as others are.  She's able to relax a little more this week.  She's still very focused as always, but she's enjoying it this week.

We got home and watched our new Friday programming, both "The Mighty Ducks" and a new episode of "The Bad Batch."  Both were fun to watch together, especially with a bit of popcorn.  We all gather together on the couch and watch a few things before bed.  For a while, we've been cooking our popcorn in a glass inside a microwave, not the typical bag popcorn.  Madison gets that ready.  It's healthier, and smaller portions, but it's been just enough to remind you how much you like popcorn.

Tonight we finished the second Kingdom Keepers book, and sure enough, Madison is wanting to do the next one right away.  I take it she's enjoying the books.  For a time, I believe they were going to make a television series of these books, but that got cancelled so they could make way for "The Mandalorian" and more.  That's okay - we'll be enjoying the books here for a time.

We said our prayers tonight, and there's much to be thankful for.  This morning, I was at the hospital pretty early for a neck scan, where they were looking at my arteries and checking out blood flow.  I'm not sure exactly what to make of the results, but I'll be back with the cardiologist soon enough.

Sleep came easy again, although it's been easier the last few months with an extra bit of medication I need to take.  I'm currently still doing ten pills per day, four in the morning and six at night.  I'm keeping it going though, and I can really tell the blood thinners are working sometimes when I rise.  But the pains are diminishing, and the overall feeling associated with high blood pressure is greatly reduced, as my numbers are dropping really well.  I have much to be thankful for.

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