Monday, May 3, 2021


For the rest of my life, I'll know what a wren sounds like.  The babies are getting bigger, and the nest on our front door has grown inside so that the wreath that it is within is now a little more angled off the door, rather than pressed right up against it.  This is to contain the birds within, each one growing in size quickly!  Mom has been putting out grub on the front porch, and mamma wren is somewhat impatient to get more.  She sits there like you see her now, chirping relentlessly until she gets her way and gets Mom to put the mealworms out.  First, they force us to not use our own front door, and now they're ordering Mom around!  Bossy wrens!

Today was my first edition of cardiotherapy, or whatever word that best describes today.  I hook up wires to my chest and get on a treadmill for about 45 minutes.  I was pushing it a little too much today, but it's good to know what "pushing it" is.  In two days I'll slow down a little bit, just a little bit.  And then push a little more gradually upwards, strengthening my heart.  I'm optimistic about it all, and glad to be there.

Meanwhile, Madison was taking another Milestones test today, one for ELA.  She said she did well on it, and seems to be in better spirits about the tests, although they are a hassle of course.  No one actually enjoys taking Milestones tests, or maybe there are some sickos that do.  But not Maddie.  She'll take them and be glad they're over with.

It was pouring, pouring, pouring rain today - all day long.  Deluge after deluge, lasting all through the day.  We got a lot of rain.  There was thunder and wind too, but the characteristic of the day was water, and lots of it.

Tonight we had our Monday taekwondo classes, and we were there for black belt class and leadership.  Madison is working on form still, plus there was some limited sparring tonight.  She's doing well, and enjoying the time with her friends, even when she gets knocked down.  That happened a few times tonight, although she's been on the other end of that too, knocking others down.  

We got home and watched an "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." episode, and read some more tonight before going to bed.  We read from the book of Exodus again, and we're in the area where there's a lot of instructions for building various items, and the Message translation cracked us up tonight with this version of Exodus 27:16:  "At the door of the Courtyard make a screen thirty feet long woven from blue, purple, and scarlet stuff..."

We're imagining the voice of God telling Moses, "Go get some blue, purple and scarlet stuff."  Yeah, go get some stuff!  

Anyway, we also read from "Kingdom Keepers II," and we're so close to being finished with that, but we were smart and called it a night with our nightly prayers.  We were asleep shortly after that - Milestones testing continues tomorrow.

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