Wednesday, September 5, 2018

One Month In

We had our last skit on stage tonight, Josh and myself.  You can see us above in one of the more comical skits, where he's basically squirting me in the face repeatedly, despite my best efforts to have a more serious conversation.  This one was a big hit with the audience, and again, completely written by Dr. Mark Rutland.  It's been an honor and a thrill performing in what is now seven small skits on stage in the main sanctuary.  It's just been Josh and myself helping with Dr. Rutland's messages, and at the conclusion of it all, he brought us out on stage so that everyone could applaud our efforts.

It was fun, but it was also a bit stressful in some ways.  Of course, there's all the other responsibilities of Wednesday night at KidPak to contend with, but the big thing is memorizing lines each week for so many people online and in the audience.  Keeping up with the props and sound effects too.  Don't get me wrong:  we had a great time.  It's just that we're both very much ready to return to our home at KidPak on Wednesday nights.

Madison enjoyed the skit above, as you can imagine.  She watched it online, and was laughing as Daddy got squirted over and over again.  He got home afterwards and we said our prayers and our good nights.  Earlier in the evening, before church, Daddy did the reading from our book so that was done for tonight.  Got to keep moving with this "Series of Unfortunate Events."  So far, we're in a submarine, aye.  And a captain that says "aye" a lot, aye.  It's going to be an odd moment when we're done reading these books, as they've been pretty much all we've done for the last few months.

It was a good day at school, of course.  We've managed to get there pretty consistently early, about a half-hour before things get started.  This gives Madison some time to settle in, and none of us are hastily rushing out the door with worry.  We get up, we take a picture, we pray, and we take our allergy medication too - that's a big deal lately.  And then it's off to school, and Madison is just fine with it all.  She has not reservations or worries or apprehensions:  it's just get out of the car, and strut right into the building.  We're glad she's doing well, confident and happy too.  Daddy asked her about friends and classes, and she's honest about some classes not being as fun as others.  And she hasn't made too many new friends, but she's retained some of the friends from last year, and enjoys being around her classmates.  School is nice, and in fact the building she likes much better than the elementary school.  We're one month in, and things seem to be going okay, and we're of course very grateful for that.

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