Sunday, September 16, 2018

Reclining Jawas

Another day at KidPak, in a galaxy far, far away... we continued our story on stage, and you can see everyone on stage for the traditional group shot above, with Madison in front of R2-D2 there.  Our new addition to the cast this morning was a Rebel Pilot named Tom:

Here he is, having a conversation with our resident Twi'lek.  He's offering her a ride back to Haven, the location of the Rebel Fleet in space.  She's declining for the time being, as there's something here on Hoth that remains to be done.  We'll have to find out what that is soon enough.

In the meantime, the other characters are advancing our story in different ways.  The wookie has been an absolute hit this morning, complete with the laughing sound effects.  It is hard to believe there are only two weeks left of this series!

After service, the cast and 501st go out to the lobby area to greet kids and families, although the temptation of the t-shirt stand might be too much.  Jawas are known to be scavengers and pick-pockets, so here they are, manning the t-shirt booth, and the truth is we had to keep a close on on them.

Not that we don't trust them or anything, but... okay, it's true:  we don't trust them with that sort of thing.  The Shadow Trooper there made sure they stayed in line:  "Move along, move along!"  Once we shooed them away from the merchandise, they seemed to be okay just lounging around.

Reclining Jawas.  That should be a name of a rock band.  Or, at the very least the name of this post.  We had a lot of Jawas last week, but this week that number seems to have grown.  It could be an infestation if we don't keep an eye on this, or two.  Perhaps we should get some spray?  Especially around the rock wall area.

Who knew?  Jawas seem to love rock walls - it must remind them of their home world somewhat. There was just this natural inclination to climb rock walls when they were passing through the recreation room area.  It was hilarious!

It was a great group.  We've blessed all of those who've come so far with a KidPak shirt t-shirt (so they didn't have to take one from the booth!).  It's the least we can do, as some have driven long distances to greet kids and pose for pictures.  You can see Madison again with this group above, in between services.  This picture you see above is one we took about fifty times today, with all kinds of kids lined up back towards the hallway just to do a group picture.  There's been a high demand for photos with the Star Wars characters.

It was a great day overall, including an important message about temptation ("It's a trap!"), and a very strong worship service as well.  In fact, here's Madison with some of her friends in the first service.

She's at the left, praying together in the front of the room, along with all the other kids of course.  Mommy snapped this photo of Madison during the altar service, a sweet moment that shows more of what we do at KidPak.  It's about lasting moments the kids won't forget.

It's a mix of fun and worship and important teachings and games and... well, it's all of it put together for what we hope is an unforgettable service.

We got back a little later, after cleaning up some.  The 501st loved our Star Wars cookies, by the way.  We got home, and we all got cleaned up with baths and showers, and also read a comic book together - and had a pizza for lunch.  There were three of us with three pizzas, and a salad too.  Madison has been practicing her piano, and today first started to try and figure out "Victor's Piano Solo" a bit, attempting to play that for the first time.

"Talk Like a Pirate Day" is fast approaching, and as it is a Wednesday night, we can't exactly watch a pirate movie then, so tonight we watched "Dead Men Tell no Tales" again, which again is a movie we all liked.  The post-credits scene gets you though:  is Davy Jones coming back?  Either way, it's a fun ending, and having watched this movie, we have to say thank you again to Disney for wrapping up some story lines after such a long wait.  We read that there may even be a part six, although that's a long ways off.  Really, the only thing left to resolve now is the simple matter of this post-credits scene, unless you want to tell us what happened to the pirates Pintel and Ragetti.  Either way, count us on board, as we're big "Pirates" fans.

We went to bed tonight after prayers, zerberts, a devotional reading about Lobot, and of course another chapter from "The Penultimate Peril."  It is just chapter two, but we're really approaching the homestretch now...!

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