Friday, September 21, 2018

The Precipice of Fall

Mommy did a great job decorating the front of the house, as you can see.  It's the last day of summer, but we're ready for fall, y'all.

It's been warm, but this is one of those days that we've been inside more often than not.  Madison had another math quiz, and she did well on that, along with her science test that she took as well.  All our studies of various astronomers paid off, she said, because there were a few questions related to astronomers throughout history, mostly the heliocentric ones.  The geocentric guys - you have to feel sorry for them.  Ptolemy!  You say that name these days, and either nobody knows what you're talking about or they're like, "Oh, that loser, the one who thought the earth was stationary and the center of the universe!"

The blessing is that not many people can even pronounce the word Ptolemy, so therefore there isn't as much derisive laughter aimed at him.  And those who can pronounce it are quickly told "bless you," as if they sneezed.

Daddy was at a conference today, and unfortunately, it had nothing to do with heliocentric models.  It was a big church conference, and we were "all hands on deck," serving in whatever capacity we could to make this a wonderful experience for the participants. We do this a few times a year, and the hours are usually late, as they were tonight.

Meanwhile, Madison was staying up late as well.  She was asleep when Daddy got home, but it was reported that she did piano, and was up late drawing and doing artwork.  This has been her passion again as of late, doing various art projects, drawing things she has in her possession, like Jinky the Jawa.  We'll show that picture here when she gets around to finishing it up.  She does a few different projects at a time, all of them lined up across the kitchen table.

So it's the last day of summer, and that's how we started things out here.  It's been a good summer, although the actual first day of summer was on June 21st.  Madison was enjoying the second day of Gwinnett's Summer Xtreme that day, and was already a good chunk of time into her summer break, right in the midst of summer camp #3.

Regardless of how long summer really is, one thing is clear:  fall is around the corner.  The forecast is projecting cooler temperatures next week, and we've got our fall leaves out.  A few are starting to spiral down from the trees as we drive along, and soon enough there'll be plenty more descending and twirling downward.  Fall is coming, and so is the pumpkin spice and all the other good things we love about this favorite season.  It's time to savor this moment, the precipice of fall, the beginning of what this family thinks is the greatest time of year.

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