Thursday, September 6, 2018

In the Dojo

Martial arts is going well, a month into things.  Two nights a week, Madison lugs her new martial arts bag along with her, the one with nunchucks inside, special foot guards and gloves.  We race over there as soon as Madison scarfs down some food, which is right after she gets home.  It's all a rather rushed thing, getting to the dojo just in time.  After all that racing though, Daddy or Mommy takes up a place at the tables with windows all around the dojo.  We can sit back and work on things and watch Madison practice, as you can see above.  Daddy was working on proofing our next series, and doing a bit of work on the drama for this weekend as well:  this next service we'll have plenty of jawas here, which represent the family of Madison's character.  It will be a sweet reunion with a little bit of bittersweet thrown in for good measure.  Madison was a little teary-eyed reading the script tonight that Daddy wrote.

We got home, and we had time to continue reading the latest comic book story that we've been involved in.  Therefore, we had more Apocalypse, more Stryfe, more Cyclops and Jean Grey, and more of that Bishop, Cable and Wolverine team.  We're really enjoying the story - of course, for Daddy it has been many years since I've pulled out these old comics.  For Madison, the first time is pretty exciting.  She's learning about the characters and enjoying watching them in action.  Currently, she's a big fan of Gambit, although he doesn't have as heavy a presence in this series.  Of course, he will soon enough - he's one of Daddy's favorites too.

School is going well:  Madison is learning about negative numbers and positive numbers, and how to multiply and divide them.  She's writing an essay about conquering her fear of heights by climbing that lighthouse.  And she's one of the top three typists in business class.  She's enjoying school, and she seems to like everyone in class.  

The weather outside today was hot and very humid.  It was so warm outside this morning that Daddy didn't bother going out on the front porch to read or anything.  It was just muggy.  Fall may be around the corner, but it certainly doesn't feel like it.  In fact, it feels warmer now than it did for much of the summer.  This is partly because we haven't had any significant rain in a while to cool things off.  There's a hurricane churning out in the Atlantic though - odds are that it won't be as direct a hit here as we had last year with Irma.  But Hurricane Florence could probably affect the East Coast here.  Also Tropical Storm Gordon completely did a half circle around us, coming in from the Gulf of Mexico, going up into Alabama and Mississippi and heading due north.  I believe the remnants of this storm are traveling northeast, basically going completely around us and yet not affecting us that much at all.  

We've had a lot of rain this year, so the clear days are probably quite welcome to many here.  Hopefully the clear days continue, but perhaps a little less humid.  September is here, and that means apples, corn mazes, and the beginning of the fall season.  It'd be nice to go out and enjoy these things without sweating profusely!

Anyway, tonight after martial arts, we read and watched a few episodes of "Rebels."  We'll be doing that for a while now, at least until the Star Wars themed series is done at KidPak.  Probably longer, really.  Madison wants to go through all four seasons, and we're in the middle of season two.  

Tonight, we read "The Grim Grotto," and said our prayers a little earlier.  Madison has to get up a little earlier tomorrow, because it's the first day of Art Club.  She's excited about joining the Art Club, and we're all too happy to drop her off at school a little early to do something she enjoys.  It'll be fun, but Thursdays will be earlier nights from this point on.  Got to have our beauty sleep!

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