It was the last day of our latest version of "The Spirit Awakens," and today we had a visit from the Seventh Sister, who you can see above, amongst others. Also pictured is our power droid to the left, and to the left you can see two photobombing Jawas. Yes, that's Madison as the lower Jawa in the picture.
But oh no! What is this? It's a bounty hunter that's come along and captured the heroes of our story, the scavengers all grouped together. He seems to have them in a bad situation!
Until Jinky the Jawa returned! Jinky snuck up into the scene, having been gone the last two weeks. There was a cheer from the audience, as Madison's Jawa character zapped the bounty hunter with a stun gun. Furthermore, the bounty hunter fled the scene having endured further threats. "Scary Jawa!" he screamed, running off!
Here's Madison with some of the 501st after the second service. This would be the last appearance of the 501st for this series, and as you can see, we had a Stormtrooper and the Seventh Sister there, a character from the "Star Wars Rebels" series. From what I understand, there are only four of these costumes in existence, or at least four approved by the 501st. We were blessed to have her with us this morning, and it was a great opportunity to honor all our guests after eight weeks of appearances by all sorts of amazing costumed characters.
Here they are with the traditional rock wall climbing picture. We're not entirely sure why this became a necessary tradition, but there it is, nevertheless. The Jawas started it, and now all the characters are in on it!
But the recreation room had other things to do, and you can see the Seventh Sister lining up a shot in a game of pool versus a Stormtrooper. Note the number of the ball she's about to sink: yes, that's a seven.
Meanwhile, the Jawas were having fun with the slides. Jawas are funny, completely random sorts of creatures. They'll be scavenging and picking pockets, or going down slides or climbing rock walls. They sort of just spontaneously do what they like. We've had Jawas with us for the past eight weeks now, all part of the Great Horde.
Ah! It looks like the Seventh Sister has decided to do challenge a foe not with a lightsaber, but with a game of foosball. Few people realize that this is how the Inquisitors actually determined who was number one or two or three.
Here's today's cast, and of course this is something that's changed from week to week. It's been a challenge writing this fluctuating cast into an ongoing story, but we've had some consistent characters that have been here long enough to do something on a bigger scale. The payoffs were good today, as questions were answered and there was a lot of laughter in the audience. Best of all, we took time to honor the 501st today.
They've been coming from all over to our church. Some came from Hampton, Georgia this morning, and the Seventh Sister came all the way from Clemson, South Carolina. It's been pretty amazing! They have such great hearts: a few of them were heading to a hospital shortly after this, one assisting kids who have special needs. We may find ourselves in the 501st some day. After hearing the stories and testimonies of the members, it is certainly a good group of people.
And so we ended our Star Wars series today, and took down the set pieces of Hoth. We're hopefully able to donate these to the 501st, if they're able to come get the pieces. Already we're gearing up for a new series, one with video games and so forth. We're turning the corner pretty fast, but before we move on, it's good to look back and celebrate this remarkable series.
Our GNK droid definitely loved it!
So after church today, we had tickets to go see a play, the latest WonderQuest production at Pierce Auditorium in Brenau. We went to see "Sophie and the Pirates."
Seeing a production like this has been a tradition of ours. The first one may have been back in 2013 when we saw one of the plays they do here. Each year it is something different, although this year's pirate-themed play was one that was done thirteen years ago. Daddy actually saw that one, and it inspired us to do our KidPak Pirate series.
You can see Madison was really into the spirit of things here, dressing up in her Uma costume once again to join the pirates afterwards. This is the reason we get the Sunday tickets: an ice cream social afterwards. We get to move from actor to actor, and pose for pictures. Also, Madison brings her programs with her, and the actors in the play sign their autographs.

The play was good, a shorter one that had lots of energy - and pirates. The set was a pirate ship, and the costumes, sound effects and music were all great. As was the acting itself: this was a great production. Anything with pirates in it is going to be enjoyed by us anyway, so there you go!
And afterwards, the weather was just right outside as we wandered from actor to actor, complimenting everyone for the great job inside, and eating our ice cream sandwiches. It was a very nice occasion!
We went home after that, and Madison took a bath. Daddy is working on another project related to that board game, and should be done tomorrow. We also played a game: Ducktales. We went to Transylvania to rescue Huey, Dewey and Louie from a castle there. It's an old game, one that's been remastered, and it's lots of fun hearing the voices of "Unca Scrooge" and his nephews. The game is fun too, in an old-fashioned sort of way.
Afterwards, we watched a movie and had popcorn. Madison chose, "Tower of Terror," which is actually not that bad of a movie. It's a Disney Channel movie, so it's not going to be top of the line, but at the same time, it is a fun story, and the three of us liked it.
So finally it's bed time, and the end of Fall Break. Tomorrow, Madison is back at school - but it's been a good break. We finished something else tonight too: "The Penultimate Peril." That means we have just one more book to go. We picked that up at the library yesterday, so we're ready to go. Theoretically, we could finally be done with this "Series of Unfortunate Events" in about two weeks. It's been quite a run!
Speaking of which, this has been quite an entry here: we had a big day! We said our prayers, read from the devotional and delivered fresh zerberts. Madison hid somewhere upstairs before we could do all of this, and we found her and started the nightly process. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep tonight. And something tells me... it won't take us long either... goodnight!
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