Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday Night at KidPak

Madison was back at KidPak tonight, mainly because there were no tests in the morning - because she's off of school this week!  She was excited to come back to Kidpak on Wednesday night ("Finally," she said).  But with big tests these last few Thursdays, we thought it prudent to let her have more sleep, and get to bed on Wednesday night earlier.  Indeed, she's been fast asleep the last few times Daddy has come back on Wednesday night after church.

But tonight, she was there with the other kids for a special large group setting on Wednesday night.  We had the Wisenheimer invention out, which read kids' minds and told them what Star Wars character they were most like, and we had videos of course.  And then there was the message about "following the Master," which starts out talking about Elijah and Elisha, and over the course of things compares them a bit to a jedi and his padawan, and we showed several images of teachers and students from the Star Wars movies and shows (such as Ahsoka and Anakin, Kanan and Ezra, Luke and Rey, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan).  Anyway, it was a full night, and there was a lot to learn - and a lot of fun to be had!

Madison was at home, of course, doing piano, playing games and doing a few other things with stencils and artwork.  We'll scan some of that soon to post it, as she's making quite a bit of it, experimenting and trying out new drawings of people and places.

It's been raining a lot this week, too much from what we read.  There is flooding and bad driving out there, but we've been shielded from troubles.  The house still smells fragrant from apple cinnamon at home, and it's warm and dry.  We're quite happy there.  We've been planning a little trip the next few days, and we've made reservations. The weather was threatening, but fortunately, this time of week may be best for us, with things clearing up just when we need it to.

Mommy packed up some things, and we're all going to get a good night's rest tonight.  Tomorrow, we're off on a new adventure, to some place Madison has never been.  She's been excited about going back to Tennessee this week, and we'll do our best to make it a fun trip.

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