It's getting real now! This afternoon we had our Parent Meeting, which is capitalized because this was the Parent Meeting to talk about the expectations and plans for Summer Xtreme! Here's a picture of Pastor Lance discussing our vision for the week to the parents below:

It's a short meeting, but we have to go over "the rules," and a little of what to expect for parents. It also is a time when they pick up their t-shirts for the kids and other items. Madison got her green t-shirt this morning, plus a few other little items. She's all ready to go, and can't wait!
Today's service was a special message from... Daddy. This morning, I preached a message about putting others first, a rather simple message with some great illustrations that were given to me. It is Memorial Day weekend, so there wasn't much time for a huge service, especially given that we showed part four of our four-part superhero series from last Summer Xtreme. That video alone was 14 minutes long. Tack that on to the end of a longer worship set, and the only thing we had time for left was Daddy's message. And it was a good one, probably one of the best messages I've given. Sometimes you walk away kicking yourself about this or that, but this wasn't one of those times!
The rest of the day we were working for a while. Although we did go home at a reasonable time. This week, we're in the middle of watching all the Marvel movies back to back. So tonight's movie of choice was "Captain America: The First Avenger." Madison wanted to watch this again, mainly to see Peggy Carter in action. We might have to pick up that season one eventually. Madison plays this LEGO Avengers game now, and she chooses Agent Carter to play frequently.
Anyway, tomorrow is Memorial Day, and we'll shut down the engines for a bit. But after that, it's full steam ahead as we plan for a week most Xtreme!
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