Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Egg People

It was that time again today, time to dye some Easter eggs!  As you can see above, we did some fun ones.  This is our "Happy Easter" display plate, where we put our favorites up for show, although they have to go into the refrigerator to keep.

This is Yoda.  Madison made Yoda, basically drawing a face first and then getting the idea to add ears as well next.  She drew the ears out, cut them out, and taped them to the side.  This was probably the longest time we spent on eggs ever, as some of these individual eggs took longer.  For example, here's another one that Daddy did:

This is No-Face.  Those of you with good memories might remember that Daddy did a pumpkin carving of No-Face back on Halloween.  This is for a basket that we're making for Madison's cousin Hannah, which should have a No-Face theme to it.  She's a big Miyazaki fan.  And here's another theme we have for Aunt Shain:

This is Grumpy Cat.  Daddy drew this one on the egg with some markers, and it came out pretty well.  This one should be great for Easter when we see Aunt Shain, but as you can see, we were taking our time pretty well with the eggs we were doing, and the going was slow. 

To help pass the time, we popped in the old Rank and Bass animation with Fred Astaire in it, "The Easter Bunny is Coming to Town!"  On top of that, we had a new egg spinner that works like a spin art machine that happens to have an egg in the spinner.  The end result is a series of colorful spiraling shapes and painted patterns on the eggs.  But the old-fashioned method of leaving an egg in dye is always good.  Here are a few below.  Do you recognize these eggs?

These are eggs from "Inside Out."  Yes, there's Sadness, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Joy!  And speaking of "Joy," here's a pretty happy egg below:

Madison had stickers to put on various eggs to give them faces.  This guy here seems pretty content where he's at, having a good time.  And so did we, all the way up to the traditional dumping of the dyes into the sink to mix the colors.  

We had piano today after class, the students all catching up from Spring Break.  Some time this week, Daddy will have to start recording Madison as she plays her recital tune - that's coming up sooner than everyone realizes.  It'll be sad for us all, as this is Madison's final year in these sort of classes.  At least for the time being.  It could be that Mrs. Pam continues for just this class next year, but we'll see how that turns out towards the end of this year.  She could be too busy, or decide against it for other reasons.  We're not done seeing her, of course.  In fact, today we brought by a bunch of things for her treasure chest, the rewards system she has for kids doing all their assignments.  We've also been bringing by props for the "Arabian Nights" recital set.  

At the end of each class, she's been reading to the kids a portion of the Arabian Nights stories, and each time she leaves them with a cliffhanger, just the way Scheherazade did when telling the stories to begin with.  The kids groan and complain about the cliffhanger too, just the way the king did!

Speaking of cliffhangers, the latest reading of "Poseidon's Peak" has taken a twist that had Mommy and Madison smiling big as Daddy read the next part of the story.  She's going to bed dreaming about pirates ...and mangy cats.

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