Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fifteen Years

First and foremost, there was this.  Today is 9-11, and everyone in the KidPak Auditorium stood.  No one was so self-centered that they kneeled or sat or did any of those other things that show disrespect to our flag.  That behavior would have been repulsive, and showing immense dishonor to those who died to keep us free. No, this was a morning to remember.  Daddy made hand-outs this morning for the kids, a list of scriptures to help bring peace.

This morning, Daddy told Madison - with Mommy sitting beside us - the entire morning of 9-11, fifteen years ago.  It was a play by play, one edited slightly because Madison is ten.  Still, it was painful to relive, and I didn't anticipate being so affected myself.  Madison was visibly affected as well, although not in tears.  It was a sober moment, and it was an important moment.  That day we saw people do evil things, but the moments that bring us to tears are the memories of those who actually gave their lives to save many others.  The idea that a law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or average plane passenger would step up to willingly sacrifice their lives for others is one of the most moving thoughts you can think.  It's also challenging beyond anything.  It was vital that Madison understand what these men and women did that day, just as it is vital that she understands on Veterans Day and Memorial day what our courageous soldiers do on a daily basis, what they have been willing to sacrifice, and what they have already sacrificed.  We went to church grateful this morning.

The rest of the morning was KidPak as usual, which is to say it was so amazing.  In all my years there, we are currently in a season where KidPak is firing on all cylinders, moving forward with amazing, unforgettable services.  Madison is seen above in the skit, helping out again as a Jawa.  She and her friend Juan are making repairs on a moisture vaporator, and it looks like that thing will be fixed in no time.

Meanwhile, kids were reacting in a big way to the twist where our scoundrel Calvin takes Senator Malaya's place.  Madison made up that Senator's name, by the way.  Anyway, Calvin knew there was a price on his head, so he offered himself up to take her place, and was dragged away with the bounty hunter Drago.  We were seriously channeling "The Empire Strikes Back" at the end, especially with the final two sentences:

MALAYA: "I really like you."

CALVIN:  "I know."

We got home again, this time a little later, mainly because of some Christmas play auditions that Daddy had to do.  Madison finished up her piano homework while Daddy was judging kids for singing abilities and overall stage presence.  We'd been advertising for this about a week, and a lot of kids showed up.  Everyone gets a part, but there are eight or nine really big parts.  Let the practices begin!

Madison got to reach into "The Bag of Vinylmations" to get her reward:  it was a Vinylmation clown, so it wasn't that ugly.  Madison was almost disappointed it wasn't ugly!  Regardless, she had the clown upstairs in her room with his new Vinylmation friends, all of them riding wooden monster trucks made at Lowe's.  That sentence was worth reading again.

After dinner tonight, we watched another cowboy movie, and this one was one of Daddy's favorites as a kid:

"Hot Lead and Cold Feet" was a lots of fun.  Madison enjoyed it, saying as much afterwards.  But I knew she would.  Daddy remembers Don Knotts and Jack Elam facing off time and again, along with that dramatic music honoring the sacred moment of the draw.  The race that takes place during the movie is great fun, and without giving up much, I'll just say that Jim Dale was just great in this movie.  It's a really fun old western.  We'll keep the westerns coming this week, all leading up to the new series in October.

Before bed, we went back to find out what happened to the Vermicious Kinids, and how Willy Wonka would lead everyone to a safe escape.  We were sort of wondering what on earth is going on with this book for a bit there, but at this point in our journey it's just a crazy story that at least is enjoyable to read.  Daddy was laughing out loud at Willy Wonka's responses to everyone in this book - it has easily some of the greatest non-answers ever given in literature.  If any politician adopts any of these answers and delivers them with the same Willy Wonka style, that politician just might have my vote.

Speaking of which, it was a scary day for one of our Presidential candidates.  We don't talk much about that here, but she had a bad weekend.  You could say it was a deplorable week, but this morning she physically collapsed, and that's not funny at all.  It is worrisome, in fact.  That's the way things are currently - everyone is somewhat worried.

Good.  We need to be worried.

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