Saturday, July 9, 2016

On Your Mark

This morning's first stop was to Lowe's, where we reached the halfway point of our Avengers series, creating "Falcon" with wood, nails, a hammer, and lots of decals.  Daddy is in charge of the decals, but Madison completely owns the rest of the project now, putting it all together by herself.  By session's end, she had Falcon created, his wings expanding upwards to take flight.  Later on tonight, we joined him with the other two that are made, Iron Man and Captain America.  The three boldly stand behind our great room couch, just daring evil doers to show their faces!

This weekend's plans to go to the High Museum were marred by protesters in Atlanta.  Seriously, we were going to spend some money that way, but now we're not.  Multiply that by however many others feel the same way about going to Atlanta, and the business community might be taking a financial hit this weekend.  Which, I think, doesn't quite help the cause of the protestors.  Unless they simply want more people to be annoyed with them?  Then, by all means, they're accomplishing their goal, right?

The serious news of the week, of course, is the racial division that is being reported on the news.  Yes, there were terrible incidents, things we didn't go into detail with Madison about.  When I was a child, I lived in a community that was a melting pot of diversity with different skin colors and nationalities from all over the world.  We didn't look at skin color as kids, and Madison doesn't either.  It's just common sense to recognize that we're all made of the same materials, all precious in God's sight.

This is an interesting week, because many in this area are going out of their way to be kind to people from other races.  We do that normally, but not to the extent that it is happening now.  Now, around here, people are going WAY out of their way to show kindness to others of different races, and it feels almost like the Christmas season this week.  Many are overcompensating with kindness, and there's nothing wrong with that at all.  Of course, it would be wonderful if this sort of behavior could extend all the way towards the places where the deepest hurts and resentments lurk.  There remains unforgiveness, and a lack of humility too.  We've been praying for peace, without getting into the details of the week.  But it has been a tragic series of events to be sure.

The majority of our day was spent (after creating Falcon), over at the church, where we spent a good deal of time with the KidPak set, with the display case, with costumes, with music, and with everything it takes to set up "Go the Distance," which starts tomorrow.  It'll be a great Olympic-themed series, something fresh and fun as we lead up to the Olympics in Rio.

Much is being made of Rio right now, by the way.  The conventional wisdom is that the water is disgusting, the politicians corrupt, the crime rate high, and the government nearly bankrupt.  This is all before we start talking about this new Zika virus that is apparently prevalent down in Brazil.  That's the portrayal, anyway, that there's an outbreak down there that is devastating.  In short, the bar is set really low for the Rio Olympics.

Which means it will turn out just fine, hopefully.  The main fear we have every four years are these lunatic terrorists with no regard for other people's lives or their own for that matter.  We'll be praying, which brings me to the point I was building up to:  Jesus is looking over the thing.  Perhaps that's what the struggle is all about.  For sixteen days straight, the entire world will be looking up at the Christ the Redeemer statue there in Rio, and you can't miss it.  It's kind of like the Eiffel Tower is to Paris.  So for sixteen days, people will see Jesus.  Some may not know who he is, and may be asking who he is.  Others may be reminded.  No matter what, we pray for all the folks coming from around the world to the Games, and that it will all run smoothly for the organizers.

Critics will never be happy. It's their life's calling, to find fault in everything.  And there is fault in everything, in all of us, and even the critics.  But then there is overwhelming grace too.  Amazing grace, in fact.

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