Saturday, January 14, 2023

Team Edge Practice


Maddie's pov:

So today was the first day back at demo team practices. We had 5 new members: Jason, Joshua, Case, Louis, Alexa, and Jonathan. Louis wasn't here today. While the demo team was waiting for some of the new members to come, we were talking  or chilling on the couches.

When most of us were there, we went into the studio and started practice. It was the usual warm ups and stretching then we got assigned primary and backup weapons. My primary weapon is bo staff and my backup is sword.

We started to do weapons (primary), almost all of the original bo staff group from last year were part of the primary bo staff group this year except Chloe and Manny. We had one of the new demo team, Alexa. Mr.Cornett had us bo staff people go to the smaller room so we could have more space and so could the other groups. It was also so we don't hit them mostly. Mr.Cornett was telling us what to do and then put us in 2 groups of 3, so Chris, Kaylee, and Logan were in one group on one side of the room while Mia, Alexa and I are in the other group. After he left, Mia, Alexa, and I tried o figure out how we were supposed to do what he said. We couldn't figure it out for some reason even though he explained it perfectly fine, so we asked Kaylee's group, but they didn't even know. When I asked Kaylee, she just looked to the sides a little bit while Chris just stood there and Logan I think said no and then started to laugh, then we all were laughing for a solid minute cause none of us knew. This is so normal for us lol, but Mr.Cornett came in just saying "Alright what did you guys do this time" cause he figured that we would get off task again as usual. We all started to laugh harder as Mr.Cornett laughed too. Then he jokingly asked "Chris what did you do" cause we all tease Chris cause he's so good. We all started to laugh even harder because of that. Poor Alexa didn't know how we were like, so she was just standing there so confused. Mr.Cornett asked her "ok who did this" as a joke cause he knew that it was all of us and that we knew that we got off track and didn't exactly listen even though we did listen. She just pointed at Chris cause she didn't know what to do. We all just died laughing even more.

We did get back to what we were supposed to do and practiced. We did some tosses, strikes, and body rolls. I had dropped my bo staff than so did Chris and Kaylee, so I was like "Not Logan being the only one out of us four who hasn't dropped their bo staff" but after I said Logan, he dropped it and he just looked at me being like "you were gonna say I was the only one who hadn't dropped my bo staff weren't you" and we laughed (not as hard as earlier but still).

After we were done with weapons, we went to hands, tricking, tumbling, then a few run throughs of our demo. When we were running through the demo, the new members had to just sit on the wall for it since they didn't know it. It was a really good practice today though, and I got boba afterwards.


I think the best news of the day was that Nana called from the behavior health hospital tonight, our first conversation in a few days, and despite the circumstances behind her stay at the emergency room previous to this, things seem to be okay.  She was upbeat and certainly not weak sounding, and was asking another nurse what part of Florida she was currently in.  Of course, she's not in Florida, but in fact Lawrenceville.  But we were just happy she was in good spirits, and that she called.  Also, we spoke with her nurse for a bit, and that helped us out a bit with information we were waiting for.  We don't know how long she'll be staying - her arrival was over the weekend here.  But things are going well.

Maddie did some homework, and I got a lot of ornaments off of one of the trees.  the DeSantafication Process usually takes a good bit of time.

We finished reading "Interesting Times" tonight, which has a great climactic battle with Terracotta warriors and a horde of barbarians.  It's been so much fun in the Discworld that Maddie wants to stay there for the next book.  We'll do that!

We said our prayers tonight, and we got to sleep early.  Tomorrow is another big day in Narnia!

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