Friday, January 27, 2023

Last Friday in January

Today we were out shopping for some new items for Nana's new digs, getting a new teapot, a phone, and other things too.  We visited with Nana and things seem to be going better, for certain. She's confused at times, but pleasant.  She's lost at moments, but then she's smiling and grateful and complacent.  She's repetitive with the same questions, but in a conversational way to help her keep things in motion.  We got the television working, and she had The Carol Burnett Show on, and Mom and I probably got more involved in watching that.  Nana only watches things - I think - when we are gone.  But the television is there.  There are also options for activities.  She was playing a game of racketball while seated in a chair, using a flyswatter to hit a balloon as it came towards her.  She seemed to be smiling while doing it - we were peeking in on her as she was engaged with the others in the room, and we felt like new parents peeking into a classroom watching our girl to see how she's getting along.  Of course she spotted us and the gig was up - we went for a walk with her.  Indoors, of course.  The weather isn't great for the outdoor walking yet.  But we'll get there.  And we'll get to other things too!   

Taekwondo tonight, and the Swift-fest continued on the way there.  It's cold outside, but not cold enough for any frozen precipitation.  It's like, "What's the point?"  Why bother having so much precipitation and why have it be so cold if it's just going to be this wet cold stuff.  No one likes that.  Boo!

Regardless, we kept our spirits up today, getting ready fro KidPak with that evasive action - our set designer said we were going to have to be in Narnia one more week, and we were okay with that.  Maddie is at school, and I don't know much about that, but I do know she's reading Julius Caesar.  Hopefully they'll still be reading it by March 15, otherwise what's the point?  I've been wanting to go to see a certain other Shakespearean play for over twenty years now, and it's actually going to be at the Holly soon, so I might force everyone to see it.  Just to get into that Shakespearean frame of mind.  But maybe not.  We'll see.  I usually cave and instead look back on missed opportunities with regret.  Regardless, Maddie is apparently stuck in Shakespeare, which I am hesitant to say I did not appreciate that much in high school.  And even currently... I'm not sure about it.  For one, I'm not a big fan of tragedies.  Life has enough of those, so the idea of escaping life to see a play about more tragedies doesn't strike me as a great idea.  The Shakespeare comedies are fun though, right?

Anyway, we got home tonight, and we read of course, both from the devotional and our Discwordle adventure.  We're plowing through this one too, just like the angry Luggage plowing through all those that stand in its way.  Clearly one of the greatest characters in literary history!

January is drawing to a close, and it's been eventful, of course.  We're starting to adjust to a new family dynamic, and there's associated feelings of weird that go with it.  We've been so busy we're finally getting some of the last vestiges of Christmas down.  Fortunately, we have friends in similar predicaments, a camaraderie of tardy Christmas decoration removing.  Some wait by design or by sheer stubbornness or perhaps a hint of laziness.  In our case, we've just been either busy or sick.  It's been quite a month.  But we'll get the rest done soon, as new holidays are coming up next month, and we'll be seeing heart-shaped items along with plenty of pink and red soon enough.  

We have been watching "The Chosen," and it's just in our hearts and brains now, such a show that we're fully immersed in the experience.  We've been watching all the supporting videos and even watching episodes repeatedly.  We'd like to go see the finale of season three in theaters next weekend, but we'll see how everything times out.  Regardless, we're anxious to see it wherever we can, as we're fully invested in it now.  It's such a great and powerful show, and how wonderful to have Maddie turn to us afterwards and we immediately begin discussing the Bible.  Wow.

Literally have been having dreams about it.  Last night was a funny one, because right there - in my dream - I was near the front of the table (near where Andrew was seating) as Jesus was sending out disciples.  And in my dream, I was paired up with IG-11!  Yeah, obviously I was dreaming.  

Anyway, on that note, we said our prayers, and closed out tonight, a quiet day.

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