Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Window Visitors


Look who is popping up to say hello!  It's bad enough you keep raiding all the other food, squirrel - now you're looking in at our pantry, aren't you?  Occasionally I have to step out on the porch and say "Ooga Booga!" in order to scare off the squirrels and give the birds a chance.

We have this new bird feeder Mom got for Christmas, one with suction cups that attaches to the window right there at the dining area.  We've had all kinds of visitors, especially the blue bird who now taps on that  window there.  Sometimes the blue bird taps on the window to let us know a squirrel is there, and sometimes she taps because the food supply is getting low.  Sometimes she just taps just to say "hello!"

It was a quiet day today, although I had fun at the office filming another pie fight.  KidPak loves pie fights, and this one was cute as it was a game that pitted Camille against her new husband.  There were lots of pies to the face in this one, and we'll have it online this Sunday - it should be super fun!

Meanwhile, Mom is making this Evil White Queen costume for Dawn, and also finishing up a few other Narnian costumes.  We're getting the devotional done in time for this weekend too - a thirty-three page devotional written by myself and two others on staff who love Narnia.  It'll be a great addition to our series overall, plus the skits of course.  This weekend, the Evil Queen will appear, although she'll be unable to find the four children appearing in Narnia for the first time.  That's because Mr. and Mrs. Beaver will be helping the kids out - it'll be great to see those puppets in action!

We had such heavy rain today.  Some lawn work was done on a few of our neighbor's houses, and a lot of that flooded out.  Pools of water rested there in roads or alongside roads, and the sound was just enormous all night long, like the sound of ocean waves outside.  We read tonight, of course, after watching "The Chosen" and "The Bad Batch."  It's quite a combo there, isn't it?  Anyway, we read from "Interesting Times," where we got to read some more about one of our favorite characters from the Discworld, The Luggage.  Those chapter with The Luggage are some of our favorites!

Anyway, after our usual night time reading with the Plush Horde, we were off to bed for a good night's rest.  I tucked in Maddie as always, bringing the Plush Horde back to her bedroom and trying to get to sleep a little earlier.  That is, after catching up with Mom on all the usual online puzzle games we do, from Wordle to Phoodle to Moviedle to Posterdle to the mini-crossword puzzle we do each day.  We even have a new one named Factle, but that one can be tough.  Anyway, it's a fun little routine, and Maddie does a few of those too each day, posting her results with a cell phone chat group that we've kept up with since WandaVision.  In fact, the group is still called "WandaVision," but Joey, Camille, Maddie, Isaac and myself usually post geeky things on that or share our Worldle scores, or scores from the other games too.   It's a nice little point of connection - we did a few of those, did the rotator cuff exercises, strapped in the rotator cuff device that I wear to bed, and soon enough all of us were asleep.

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