Thursday, January 19, 2023

Aslan is on the Move

Aslan will be making an appearance on our stage this weekend!  Josh is using this CGI puppet that he got online, and Pastor Lance does the voice of the mighty lion as he speaks with various characters on stage, including Maddie of course.  The animated sequences are timed with the dialogue from the script, and some of that dialogue actually is with Jadis, who Aslan confronts early on.  We sort of set things up for afterwards by saying that Jadis won't remember any of this, so that sort of works within the timeline, assuming you're okay with Maddie and the others time traveling back to the time where Jadis rules in Narnia.  It should be pretty fun - the script is done and the music is in place, and all is well.

Today we had teakwoodo again, and it was Maddie and I ready for our solo ride over to Oakwood, but this time we started our Taylor Swift marathon, this all so I myself can familiarize myself with her actual music.  Seriously, I know two songs.  One of those I only know because Weird Al did a parody of it.  So tonight we popped in the first of her music, and following that Maddie did a "director's commentary" through the entire thing, explaining songs, saying which ones she likes and so on.  She's pretty passionate!

Earlier, she shared with us an image she made in art, a sphere that she created, one that helped her practice the concept of proper shading.  It turned out rather well though!  She was sharing that with us tonight before taekwondo, sharing it with myself, Mom, and Uncle George, who arrived this morning.

Uncle George was here today, and of course it's all related to Nana, who is moving in to her new home next week, presently.  The doctors have given her clearance to do so, and because of that, there's a bit of work to do with moving furniture in and so on.  Plus pictures on the wall too, photos and lithographs of home in England.  We got a big chair, and we're moving her bed of course.  Lots to do.  Also there are a lot of other things to do financially, and paperwork to fill out and so on.  Simultaneously, we ourselves have several things to do, including fixing our dryer, which has a part that needs to be replaced.  Uncle George helped out with that tremendously, and we should have a dryer tomorrow.  He's a bit mechanically minded, which is super useful right now.

Mom has had enough of the squirrels as of today.  There's a next generation of younger ones coming in, and they just don't know the proper rules of etiquette, or any boundaries.  So it was with great amusement that I heard she mixed some of Maddie's rejected hot sauces with the bird seed.  Some of these hot sauces were pretty spicy!  Birds cannot taste that, but squirrels can.  Mom watched the squirrels come up en masse, four of them and their gang of marauders.  Then she watched as they attacked the birdseed as always, and then... this is where the fun begins!  The squirrels did not like the seeds at all.  They were gone rather quickly after that, and not seen again fro the rest of the day!

Tonight we celebrated a reunion with Uncle George by going to Cheddars to eat out.  It's a restaurant we don't go to very often, but it's known for huge portions of food, and pretty good food at that.  We're still on the fast, so we avoided meat and sweets, but there was still plenty to eat there, and it was really just about spending time with a visit from Uncle George.  We spent a lot of time catching up, and then after that, we all went back home to settle down and get some rest.  Maddie and I were reading again, and then it was time for prayers.  It was a good day.

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