Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Rise of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver

Here are two of the costumes that Mom was working on this week, and they both turned out rather well.  She's been creating this White Queen outfit on and off for a bit, with us going to thrift shops to pick up accessories here or there, and of course the crown from online.  That's Maleficent's staff painted white, with glitter added to it, and there are tiny snowflakes glued all over too.  I'm a dwarf, and it was pretty fun.  We were just putting together a few items from a thrift store, along with a big beard and wig we already had, plus the whip and a new hat from the thrift store as well.


It was an amazing morning at KidPak.  We had some serious technical issues before the service, but at the last possible minute, those were resolved with some help.  We also had Josh out sick suddenly, and he was broken-hearted about it all, but did the right thing by staying home to recover.  So there were certainly challenges to the morning.  But he helped me create four clips from the movie "Prince Caspian" that really drove home that bottom line of "Where Does Your Help Come From?"  The kids got to see the Pevensie children again in Narnia, and a part where Caspian was tempted sorely by the White Queen herself.

But also helping with the skit portion were Mr. and Mrs. Beaver!  Yes, they had their debut this morning at KidPak when Jeremiah, Maddie, Nia and Skylar found themselves lost and alone in Narnia.  They were told to wait at the lamp post, because help would be coming soon.  And sure enough, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver arrived.

Megan and I were behind that huge styrofoam rock on stepladders, reaching upward with our scripts taped to the back of the wall there.  It was all just so Narnia, and that's mainly because of Mom.  We did the writing portion - in fact, the devotionals were handed out today.  Maddie and I have already been reading that.  But the costumes make the characters, and now we have a wigglemarsh, a dwarf, a faun, beavers and the White Queen all together in one series.  Next week I'm hoping to do a group shot.  Here's two more pictures from this morning taken by one of our junior workers.

It was a solid morning, and the start of our church fast too.  One fun moment was the battle amongst the younger cast members with a game of UNO Flip.  Maddie brought her game of UNO Flip to church, and during the break after their second performance, I told the students they could play a few rounds if they wanted to in my office.  That degenerated into a war, certainly a loud sort of war once the service was over with.  Lots of excitement and vengeance and all those crazy moments of an UNO game, and they all had a great time with it.

After service, things ran a little late, but we got home and Mom had a nice fast-friendly meal for us, and after that I took Nana over to the library to pick up a movie there - and a new puzzle.  Mom and Nana got right to work on that puzzle.  The movie is "The Shop Around the Corner," which is what that play "She Loves Me" is based on, the one we saw last month.  We'll check that out soon enough.  But tonight, it was the prayer meeting for me - I was over at the church with a lot of other people.  It was great to see such a turnout.  Maddie was doing homework, but when we all got back together again, we saw the next episode of "The Chosen," which was that powerful one where Nicodemus meets up with Jesus.  Maddie has been enjoying these episodes quite a bit, and I'm glad of that.  I never thought she wouldn't, but the great thing about Christian programming of late is that you don't feel obligated to watch it so much as you want to see it, if that makes any sense.  It used to be that there were really a few quality movies and shows, but more and more the quality is rising, and that's a good thing for everyone.

Tonight's prayer meeting was powerful.  There were things shared, and perhaps Camille's life may be very much altered this year in a great way that she's been hoping for.  But other things were shared today, about a three year period of troubles now coming to an end.  That really fit our predicament here in the house.  Tomorrow is a big, big day for our family.

Tonight we read from "Interesting Times," and we said our prayers afterwards.  I just started reading this fun book, "The Magic of Groundhog Day" that I picked up from a thrift store.  It's actually pretty interesting to start out with.  Maddie spent a long time on homework today, but that's always mixed with watching videos online and playing games, but in the end I think she got what she needed done.  We all got to sleep tonight, and got ready for another week.  This one will be ordinary for her at school, but it will be huge for our family in other ways.

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