Friday, January 6, 2023

Return to the Filoniverse

We finally got around to seeing the premiere of the second season of "The Bad Batch," and it's just great to be back in this part of the Star Wars series.  No offense to "Andor," but this is where we started so long ago, and we're so glad this is still going on really.  Season one of "The Clone Wars" began back in 2008, in August, and I remember going with Mom and several others to see the full length movie in theaters that began the whole thing.  We loved it, and faithfully watched the five seasons, and then the sixth one later, and then this last seventh one, and then of course the first season of "The Bad Batch," which is in essence a continuation of part of the story shown in "The Clone Wars."  Mom and I sat and watched each week on a little computer, watching each episode as it premiered early on, and then later on of course Maddie was watching with us when we purchased the discs with the episodes on them.  And yes, later when the episodes were on the streaming service, we went through them again.  Maddie watched the premiere of season seven, and then the Bad Batch episodes as well, and here we are at season two again, watching each episode as it comes out.  Or in this case, two episodes.  Anyway, we popped the popcorn and sat down for a few thrilling episodes tonight, a few days after the big premiere, but still exciting.  Of course, we also got to watch the latest National Treasure episode as well.  Maddie's been enjoying that one too!

We're getting ready for a service with Prince Caspian as a theme, and we were using that as the inspiration, even using clips from the movie to help illustrate points.  Oddly enough, that movie too came out in 2008.  Anyway, things are moving along well, and I'm happy to have so many Narnia characters on stage this series.  We have the White Queen, a faun, a wigglemarsh, a dwarf, and eventually, we even hope to have Aslan himself make an appearance.  And yes, all along we have Maddie, Jeremiah, Nia and Skylar in there as themselves, having magically found an entrance to Narnia through some random closet on the third floor of the church.

We had taekwondo tonight, and Maddie's training with some differences on her form - in fact, all the students are.  As the studio is changing this year, there'll be other things that will be different.  But the form is the most immediate.  Fortunately, she seems to be handling it well.  There's an upcoming practice for Team Edge, and that is starting up again, and maybe there'll be some competitions coming up in time.  One thing at a time.

The weather is colder outside, and there's ice on the bird baths and water dishes outside.  We break that ice so the birds can get themselves a drink.  We're also pretty faithful getting the birdseeds out there in place, about three different sorts for the variety of birds that come to our place for a fine dining experience.  

We're still reading from the Discworld at night, still reading about Rincewind and the Luggage, which is one of Maddie's favorite characters.  Actually, it's probably one of everyone's favorite characters.  The Luggage is something we all wish we had to watch over us, and of course keep all our packed clothing in too.  We said our prayers and got to sleep afterwards.  It was a quiet day, but we're leading up to an eventful week next week.

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