Wednesday, January 18, 2023

No Small Potatoes

Tonight at FCY there were potatoes!  Okay, so that's making a bigger deal about the meal plan for tonight's youth gathering, but these were no small potatoes.  There were well over a hundred of them, and we know that because someone was counting, "one potato, two potato, three potato more..."  Right, anyway, because of the fast, the students had a potato bar available, and the included all kinds of trimmings, including chives, sour cream, cheese, and butter.  There were plenty of leftovers, so we were bringing lots of potatoes home for breakfast and future quick meals.  A potato is something that is completely filling to me - I have one of those and I'm pretty much done eating for the day!

Anyway, today was a quiet day.  We were actually having a meeting this morning for what could be a future production at the church, and we were considering writing it ourselves.  We came to the decision that a play based on Esther may be the easiest thing to do, so we started in that direction first, and we're also thinking about the dance team and everything in between.  Yes, along with this meeting was a discussion about Easter and that production as well.  Sure enough, we're casting twelve apostles, two Marys and of course someone to be Jesus, although I think Ivan will be repeating that roll again this year.  I believe we'll be redoing last year's Easter production, with all the usual amounts of tweaks and additions, although from what I remember last year's production was just right.  So rather than call them tweaks, we'll just say they are variations.  

It was another quiet Wednesday.  Nana called and spoke with Mo, and though she is content where she's at, there is some question about how to proceed about the question of her husband, who she still thinks is alive.  As mentioned earlier, her memory is in and out. 

Anyway, we were off to sleep tonight.  It was a quiet night, with us reading more from the Discworld, and reading from our Narnia devotional as well.  This booklet is a good one, and I'm glad we wrapped it up and powered through to get it done.  It was quite a labor, but Maddie enjoyed tonight's reading very much.  We make a game of it to see if she can identify who wrote each devotional entry, whether it is Joey, Camille, or myself.  Maddie was happy to guess that it was Camille's today, as she hasn't been guessing right lately.  But nevertheless, she's liking what is written.

We had a good day today, although there is so much to be done.  It sort of weighs on you, but everything will fall into place.  You just have to enjoy each day as it comes.  I've been reading this book I picked up for fun at a thrift store, "The Magic of Groundhog Day," and it's had some fun and interesting points, using what's in the movie "Groundhog Day" to talk about how to get out of the rut we find ourselves in so often, and how to see the magic around us.  It's always been a great movie to me, and this book sort of cements that notion, but also serves as an unexpected source of advice.  I started reading it just for fun, but I'm actually getting something from it, and of course this all comes from the movie itself.  Not that we should go and use the movie for therapy or anything, but then again, the movie is actually something of a therapeutic comedy, teaching us all to value the magic of each and every day, and all those things around us.

Anyway, it was a good day, and we treasure that.  I'm thankful Maddie was at Free Chapel Youth tonight, enjoying service and friends.  I'm thankful for the quiet moments I now have with Mom, and we're looking forward to a great year in 2023.

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