Thursday, April 8, 2021

Flipping Thursday

This is a picture Madison took from her phone as we drove westward, and homeward after a few taekwondo classes this evening.  Madison was assisting tonight with taewondo with the old class, leading her former classmates with stretching exercises and helping out where she could this evening.  Afterwards, she was in her leadership class, doing flips!  Not cartwheels, but flips!  She's trying that out, with extra padding on the ground too, but she's made progress and is pretty excited about that.

I was reading in the car, my condition such that I just needed to sit somewhere and quietly read.  It was a perfect day in the shade there, windows down.  I was reading "Guards!  Guards!"  It's such a fantastic book, one of the old Discworld books that introduces many of the characters that I've known all this time.  Even though Sir Terry Pratchett is no longer with us, he's left us this amazing world that we can visit time and again.  

Today Madison and I sat on the bed and typed out the script for this weekend's KidPak service.  I think it turned out well!  We were working from home, mainly because of the whole blood pressure bit.  I'm taking it easy currently, attempting to get this blood pressure back under control a bit.  I'm taking six pills now, and just not exerting myself that much.  Which is annoying.  Because there are things to be done, right?  

Madison was practicing her piano today, and using her phone to color in some drawings, and just pretty much relax for most of the day.  That's okay, it's spring break.  We watched a movie this afternoon before heading off to taekwondo, "Evil Under the Sun."  I have quite a bit of this movie memorized, for some reason.  I don't remember watching it that many times, but I watched it as a kid, and it must have made an impression on me.  Anyway, it's a murder mystery, and I don't think anyone figured it out in our group, but they came close!  Peter Ustinov is so great as Hercule Poirot, but we enjoyed Keneth Branagh's version as well.  These held everyone's attention, so I imagine we might be seeing some more of these mysteries soon enough.

It was a decent day.  The blood pressure is going down.  I read a little tonight, but the sleeping medication got to me, so we didn't read too much of "Kingdom Keepers" before it was time for prayers.  We did read a bit from Exodus, moving forward in that book a bit as well.  Tomorrow we'll probably finish "Kingdom Keepers," and I have a feeling Madison will want to read the next book too.

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