Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Eggs 2021

Here are Madison's Easter eggs we did today!  Mom had things all set up for us, and we actually spent a little bit of time on these this year, mainly because we were watching "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" while we were working on the eggs.  But we did more too, as you can see above.  These are Madison's, including a Hulk one at the top and a "Cool, Cool Bunny" one at the bottom there.  Nice colors on the eggs this year!


Here's my batch of eggs, plus Nana's egg too.  We'll get to that one in a moment.  

Here's a cross one that I did, something that we do each year.  This one actually turned out pretty decent with the coloring green and orange.  I used pencils and markers to highlight in certain areas, and of course draw out the crosses.

This is the one that Nana did, which is nice and light, and pastel colored.  She came over and dipped her egg in for just the briefest of moments in each bowl, before moving on to the next.  It came out great!

This is one I did, inspired by the "Words of Creation" that Phil Coulson was writing.  The trick with this is that you have to write on the egg with white wax, and you have no idea what it looks like until the egg is dipped into a color because the wax is the same color as the egg.  Regardless, it still got the look across.

I was all in with the kid that Mom got.  It was a simple little kit, and we usually just get these to get the different dye pellets.  But I used the stickers too, and the glitter, which you can see bottom left in this next picture.

Also, bottom right you can see the "wrap-around" that we tried out.  We had a few of those that came with the egg dye kit, these futuristic little wraps that get stuck to the egg when you drop the egg and the wrap-around in boiling water for three seconds.  They came out pretty good!

Speaking of which, here's one of my favorites of the night - it's the Incredible Hulk!  You don't want to mess with this egg!

We had a pleasant evening dying the eggs, watching a movie.  Mom was preparing cupcakes for tomorrow, all lined up in the shape of a cross.  You'll see that tomorrow, this design that looks just wonderful.  

I was over at Pastor Lance's house earlier, dressed up as Easter bunny, helping the girls find their eggs.  It was nice, and they really enjoyed the visit.  Madison was playing Stardew Valley a lot today, and apparently found something really rare that she was excited about.  

We went grocery shopping for a few items later on, and that was about it for the day, actually.  We were sitting on the front porch in the cold quiet of the night, just talking for a bit outside.  It was a nice evening, one we wrapped up with reading more from Exodus (about Jethro), and then from Kingdom Keepers, which Madison is now enjoying.  Maleficent is back, and that's not a bad thing!

We said our prayers, and everyone was off to sleep on time tonight.  We have a big day tomorrow!

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