Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Our Own Roses

Mom picked some of our roses and made a really nice arrangement on the kitchen table.  They smell wonderful, and are just so beautiful.  We've still got plenty on the side of the house, but these look great on the table right now.  

Also outside, a few of the birds have hatched!  Their little beaks are poking upwards, although they're fairly quiet right now.  We just assume that they make all this noise screaming out for food, but they were just born yesterday or day, so that may come in time.  

Mom put out a bird feeder, and even put a small plate out with some grubs in it, right there next to the front door.  It's a wren's nest, and mamma bird has given them plenty to eat.

Today I was at the cardiologist in the morning, and they are still on high alert for the virus over there at the hospital, understandably.  It's going to be a long, long time from now before the masks come off.  But I was there, and the doctor gave me a description of what had happened, both biologically beforehand, and what happened during the heart cath.  It was encouraging, and amazing. 

This morning we had communion, both Mom and I.  It's the meal that heals, and after last night, I was thinking this was something that needed to happen.  I have felt much, much better today than yesterday, more confident and actually just plain better.

I was working with the FCY again, making some more small group material.  Madison was studying for the big tests upcoming, although she's gotten a few grades.  She's doing great in all her classes, although math has been a steady decline.  Interestingly enough, the Milestones may have a bigger impact on her overall grade than previously thought!  She's super stressed with so much going on.  Hang in there, Maddie.  There's a cruise coming up, trips to Dollywood, and all kinds of rest and relaxation.

Of course tonight we were watching "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight, and we read from Exodus, and from "Kingdom Keepers" as well.  We said our prayers, and were off to sleep fairly quickly after that.

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