Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Garden Flowers

These are just a few pictures of some of the flowers in our gardens.  Mom has done such a great job building up our garden, and she continues working on it day by day.  It looks so nice, we even have some new friends now living with us.

We actually have a few more chipmunks than usual.  It's been very pleasant weather outside, and when seated on the back deck or front porch, you can hear or see them scurrying about.  The squirrels are there too, of course, as are all sorts of birds.  Ever since we watched that birdwatching movie, we've been noticing a few different ones around the neighborhood.  There's nothing unusual about a bluebird, but we did spot one in the front yard.  We spotted an owl last night, and there's been all the usual neighbors.  Of course, we have a few new residents at our house on the front door.  The baby wrens are growing up!  They grow so fast!

Today was a small piano lesson and it was online for Maddie.  Her teacher has the virus now, which is interesting this much later, but nevertheless, she has it, and Madison did the piano lesson virtually.  It was short.  Tonight was also small group night for Maddie.  Camille and Lauren based their small group on the passage from Proverbs 31.

I was working on "Storm Chasers" material all day, as we have that new series coming up Sunday.  There are scripts to write, graphics to create, games to come up with and so on.  It's going to be a great day Sunday.

We got the canopy on the back deck up today, and that will create a nice place to sit in the shade there.  Mom is buying paint for the deck, and we'll redo that soon enough.  But each day we focus on different things, and the house is coming along very well.  And so am I, by the way.  We took Communion, Mom and I.  It's the meal that heals.  We said our prayers and I've just had a much better day today.  Monday was fairly rough, as I was having pains and feeling exhausted.  But today is a much better day.

Maddie was studying again tonight, but afterwards, we watched my favorite episode of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight, the one called "Tracks."  It starts out on a train, which is already a plus.  But then the episode is so unique - I don't want to spoil it.  Anyway, we're moving along with that series fairly quickly, although we've still got a long ways to go on it.  Tonight we read from Exodus a little more, and then from "Kingdom Keepers II."  We're approaching the end of each of those.  We prayed tonight and we were asleep pretty quickly after that.  We've had some full days.

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