Sunday, April 11, 2021

Virtual Bedtime Stories

So, I'm in the hospital tonight.  Yep, spending the night there.  My mother brought the computer here - and the book "Kingdom Keepers II."  So I could at least read bedtime stories to Madison.   Here's a screen capture of her and all her friends, all together listening tonight.

It was a sweet moment!  I'm feeling fine.  It would be a long night with blood tests and checks on the blood pressure.  Today it was up towards 180.  I think while I was resting and feeling fine, it was at 179 in the hospital.  I don't want to know what it was earlier.  

Somewhere along the line, I overdid it?  I'm not sure, but the day started out good with Madison and myself heading off to church.  She did great on stage this morning as her character Serena, one of the jedi padawans temporarily trapped on the planet Hoth.  It was a great morning, as we also did the variation of "hot potato" using a thermal detonator!  The message was about temptation and sin, and Admiral Ackbar's famous words, "It's a trap!"  It went well, and again, Madison did well delivering her lines and being a great stage presence with the other cast members.

I was helping Josh set up for tonight's FC Youth night, and once I got home, I had a delicious egg salad sandwich - we have a lot of eggs leftover from Easter!  Madison and I played a very small amount of Disney Infinity, but she had to get a shower before going to FC Youth tonight, and it was during that shower that I had an atrocious episode of... something.  I have no idea what, but it was a pressure in my chest unlike anything I've ever felt, and the blood pressure soared.  It was moving up towards a six out of six on the pain scale very quickly, and all I could do was sit there on the couch, lying down, not moving, staring upwards, or just keeping the eyes shut.  The pain was intense, so much so that I just had to get to the hospital.  The last time I did this was for pancreatitis a few years ago.

Madison was able to get to FC Youth tonight - Camille took her there.  Madison said she had a great time this evening, and I'm so glad she was able to make it.  Camille has been so good for our family.  

Meanwhile, my mother and I were watching the conclusion of the Masters from the hospital.  And then "Age of Ultron" in my room.  I'm getting a stress test tomorrow, and then a echo cardiogram.  There's also a thought about the thyroid too.  Hopefully we'll get some answers soon.  I'm grateful to be here.

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