Monday, April 19, 2021

Storm Chaser Prep

One week later, I'm still here, looking on.  Not like these guys.  These guys are looking for a tornado.  This afternoon, I saw this movie, "Tornado!"  It has an exclamation point in the title, just so you know.  As for the movie's quality, I'd say for a made-for-television movie, this one's pretty good.  The end bit is a bit difficult because of the budget, I'm sure.  But overall, the story was pleasant, and it really got me in the mindframe of the upcoming "Storm Chasers" series we're doing at KidPak.  There is only one weekend left of "The Spirit Awakens," and then it's off to chase storms.  The booklets came in and they look fantastic.  I was looking through scripts, and I feel pretty good about what's already been written, actually. I just have to work it all out with new actors, as this has been about seven years or so ago?  Yeah, that's about right.  

I was watching a few other things that were tornado-related, all of this while Madison was off to taekwondo with Nana and Mom.  Unfortunately, I'm just not up to going just yet.  I stayed home alone, with all the emergency medication nearby.  But I didn't need it, obviously.  I just sat on the couch and watched tornado movies.  I was delighted, by the way, to see a whole bunch of ridiculous tornado movies on one of the streaming sites.  I mean, ever since the success of the Sharknado movies, there's now movies with a metalnado, and icenado, a firenado, and my favorite, a clownado.  I'm not actually going to watch any of these movies, as I don't want it to spoil my imagination!

It was Monday today, and Maddie had a decent day at school.  She's got tests coming up, and Milestone testing after that.  The good news about those tests is that they won't actually count as a huge portion of her grade at all.  I can't remember the percentage, but it could be less than one percent?  Not a big deal at all.  Tonight was her longer night at taekwondo, and she's doing so well in that class - for example, her balance is getting to be spot-on incredible.  One leg in the air, kicking, and she holds that pose without falling over.  Amazing.  Her legs are super strong.  She's also certainly pretty confident.  I'm super proud of her.  I'm glad I stuck around for her and Mom.

Speaking of which, Mom is doing alright.  We're taking Nana to get the vaccination shot, or whatever you call it.  She'll be able to take that one, and then the next dose, and then she should be able to travel to Wales to go see her brother there.  And maybe stay there for a while too, I think.  I'm not sure.  We'll see as we get closer, but having these shots out of the way will help, just in case they're required. 

We read tonight, and we said our prayers.  It was a quiet day, and a restful one too.  Just what I needed.

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