Friday, April 16, 2021

Digital Art

This is a bit of digital art that Madison has been working on this week.  It reminds me of the flowers that Mary Shannon and Joni sent me earlier this week.  I'll have to ask her if the dress was based on that.

She got a few more A's on tests today, and she seems to be roaring towards the end of middle school.  There's nothing special planned for the eighth graders, no dance or field trips, and that's somewhat disappointing.  But overall it's been a good year for her, or at least that's what my spies tell me.  I'm just kidding about the spies, Madison.

We got a nice plant from the office, along with a card signed by quite a few people there, all of them wishing me well.  Camille dropped that off today later on.  I felt pretty disheveled, but that's okay.  I'm learning to take naps to get additional rest, even though I don't want to stop.  I think that's a learned habit, forcing yourself to stop and rest.  Nevertheless, I'm still able to get things done at home - I was writing letters that go out to all the campus parents for this weekend, something I do each week.  I can do that from here, and that works out.  I feel helpful.

Maybe that's what Nana needs, to be helpful.  We've tasked her this week with watching over me while Mom takes Maddie out to taekwondo and other destinations.  This gives Mom a break, and the truth is, I don't really want to push it.  I feel myself getting sore in the chest when doing the smallest things, and trips to places for a long time might not be the best thing for me at the moment.  So tonight, Madison did go to taekwondo, and while she was there, I continued my James Bond fest with Nana.  She stops all the crying and noise when these movies are on, and for two hours of bliss, it's just us sitting there watching 007 travel the world and stop maniacal villains.  Tonight's villain was Elliot Carver, who ran a media conglomerate, manipulating and attempting to control the world with fake news.  That is to say, the disasters and deaths are real.  The fake news part is that he is the one behind it.  Fortunately, James Bond is here to save the day, along with the real scene-stealer, Wai Lin.  She's one of the best Bond characters, a secret agent from China portrayed by Michelle Yeoh, who has always been amazing.

Sorry.  Rambling about a movie.  That's what Nana and I did while Mom and Madison were off tonight.  They had a good time, and so did we.  There are twenty-three James Bond movies left, so this might be a good thing to watch with Nana, as it occupies her mind and helps keep it from those visits of grief.

Today for a meal I had an absolutely delicious veggie burger.  Mom added pineapples and some of that Polynesian sauce we got from Chick-Fil-A.  It was perfection!  Madison just likes her pizza mostly, and for some reason I introduced the concept of adding hot pepper to it.  I myself like that, but Madison actually adds a huge layer of the stuff on her pizza!

Tonight was the usual Friday night programming that we watched together, and then after that, we read from Exodus, and then from "Kingdom Keepers."  Madison has a plush poop emoji that she's left with me each night as my companion.  It was resting in my place in the bed while I was gone, and it's next to me at night when I sleep.  Mom will roll over in bed, and there's the plush poop!  It's funny, and sweet at the same time.

It's going to be alright.

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