Friday, April 23, 2021

Dave the Cactus

Today was a cold day again, typical for early March but certainly not late April.  It did warm up somewhat, but there's been snow in places north of here, and that's certainly pretty chilly weather.  Mom has spruced up the front yard, and it's just looking spectacular.  She got some more soil today and made a garden along the other side of the house, one that has flowers and plants that should draw some more butterflies.  She has been working had on that, and Nana helps out from time to time, so that's good too.  And yes, the bird family is still on our front door.  I'm not sure what that means, but we're happy to provide a place for the time being.  Yeah, I kind of miss my front door though.  We're all using the garage door entrance now!

This is Dave the Cactus.  Maddie had this on her hand at one point today.  Her friend has been drawing these, though I'm not sure which friend it was.  She's been having fun with her friends at school, and always has a lot to say about their day afterwards.  I enjoy hearing all the laughs and stories at the end of the day, sometimes they just spill out one after the other.  You can drive the entire distance to taekwondo and back and hear nothing but stories and adventures from just one day.

Tonight's taekwondo was her black belt class, and she was training up for sparring.  She did a lot better than she expected.  She won a few matches, and even though there was a missed call that should have gone in her favor, she handled it well and ultimately had a good time.  She was somewhat distressed at how hard she had kicked one of her friends, and she always immediately apologizes.  They wear armor and protection, so it helps a lot.  

Tonight was the last episode of "Falcon and Winter Soldier," and also the next of "The Mighty Ducks."  We sat and watched those together once Mom came in from gardening.  The outside front yard looks amazing right now.  And tomorrow there's a pretty heavy rain coming in to help with the plants just put in the ground.

It was a decent day today.  I got a good bit done at the office, and I'll finish up tomorrow.  We're ready for Sunday!  We said our prayers tonight, after reading a bit too.  The allergies have been something else lately.  The rain is going to help out with that.  I'm wheezing quite a bit, using the inhaler, and just waiting for that rain.

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