Just look at our China dolls. This is the Green group, the ones performing on Thursday and Saturday. Madison is at the bottom there, of course, the only authentic China doll in the mix. Today we had a practice again, another run through of certain scenes. We also had an official photography session. Here's Madison posing on stage below:

The actual picture will come later - we'll have to pick it up from the photographer a bit closer to Christmas. You'll see it then. It's an amazingly busy week this week. Today was one of those days where we had ballet practice at Brenau, and meanwhile there was Christmas play practice at the church. Of course, ballet practice wrapped up first, so Madison and Mommy headed over to the the church afterwards to meet up with Daddy. We left there after 10:00. The kids are going to be tired tomorrow!
That's why we left it up to Madison as to how much school she wants to go to tomorrow. She decided that sleeping to 7:30 am should be fine. Good grief, it were me, I'd be like… how does 1:00 pm sound? But Madison enjoys school so much, she doesn't want to wake up too late.
The big story of the day, however was this: rain. Praise the Lord for rain. It's a good, soaking rain, and there is so much to be grateful for here. The last time it rained was early October, and our ground was just nothing but kindling. Speaking of which, the same system of rain helped the firemen up in Gatlinburg last night. There were casualties, and homes and businesses lost. But it could have been a lot worse.
And speaking of a lot worse, tonight on the way home, we literally came face to face with an oncoming pick-up truck in our lane. There was no where to go. Headlights in our face, the truck swerved erratically and went back to the other lane. This truck spent what seemed like a long time in our lane, not just some casual swerve. It almost looked intentional. We were still shaking when we got home. We're definitely ready for some sleep!
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