We started out the day with a trip to the chiropractor. For Madison, it was her first trip here since probably late summer, as there's never really a day we can go during the school season, right?
We did a bit of shopping nearby - actually over at the Dawsonville Goodwill there. Madison and Daddy watched Mommy do the shopping. She was looking for props and clothing items for the upcoming Christmas play. At one point, we were reading comics in the car, catching up on that.
We could have gone straight home after that, but instead we all thought to ourselves this common thought: "Hey, I'm hungry." Seriously, this whole series with cowboys we've been promising ourselves a trip to a steak house, so away we went on over to Gainesville - instead of stopping at home. We drove right over to Texas Roadhouse, and it was there that Daddy had probably the third best steak he's ever had in his lifetime. The first was at the Sundial, and the second best steak was at an Outback Steakhouse in Athens. But this one was just right. It's a simple system we use for scoring a steak at a restaurant, and as you're eating it, it almost becomes like a pitcher trying to pitch a perfect game. By steak's end, will it have been the one? In this case, yes. It was a perfect steak.
Okay, enough about the steak. How about the jukebox there? Madison and Daddy were picking all kinds of songs to play, and sure enough, they were playing Willie Nelson, Reba McEntire, Johnny Cash, Faith Hill and more. We were having a good time there.
When we got home, we did something fun and different. We got open one of Madison's Tinkerbox sets, and we made ourselves a planetarium!
There she is with it in the bathroom. The stars project upwards on the ceiling there, and all around. This took a bit of effort to make, poking all those holes and putting all the pieces together like that. But it came out really nice, and is currently sitting in the front room there, ready to use when we want to.
Tonight, we were watching a few more Christmas movies, as we'll be doing until Christmas. One funny one was an "Avengers Christmas." Madison and Daddy loved it, but Mommy used that time to go upstairs and take a little bath!
It was a nice day together. We read from a devotional and prayed tonight before bed, very thankful for all that we have in this season of Thanksgiving.
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