Wednesday, May 25, 2022

FCY United Returns

I dropped my ninth grader off for the last time this morning - today was the final day for her as a freshman this year.  We got up at normal time and she took a big biology test, one she was glad to be through with.  I picked her up at the school and that was that for ninth grade - no big parties or water balloon fights or singing kids.  High school's last days are a whole lot different these days - it was all rather subdued.  Not to say there wasn't a great feeling of getting out for the summer.  Maddie is happy to be done with ninth grade, and has big ideas for her birthday and maybe even some things this summer too.  In fact, she was really excited most of all about tonight at FCY.  Here's a few pictures of the event itself:

It was FCY United night, and a big one because Reggie Dabbs was back at the church.  He was speaking with Maddie before service - they were seated pretty close - and there was such a big crowd he told her to go ahead and stand up on top of the chair to see.  

She invited a friend to come to church with her tonight, someone from school.  She was pretty happy to have her friend Maddie come, but as this was a multi-campus event, there were other friends that came too.  It was a super fun service, and a really good message tonight.

They had a "taco in a bag" afterwards, and some ice cream too.  It was a big party afterwards, and the place was packed!  There were so many kids from all the campuses there, and it was a lot of fun with dancing, games, eating and a whole lot of socializing.

Maddie documented the adventures of this poor inflatable tree.  It fell.  But don't worry - it was back up on its tree feet again soon enough!

It was a big day.  We had rain today, and I was getting some things done for this weekend at KidPak.  Maddie was chilling at home, but looking forward to tonight's big event, which she was talking about a lot when we got home.  She had such a great time there.

Tonight we read from our book, and we said our prayers too.  We don't have to get up early tomorrow... summer is here!

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