Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Quiet Day

It was a beautiful day today, and Taco Tuesday on top of that.  Of course there were tacos, because that's what you do on Taco Tuesday.  But the weather outside was fantastic - Mom has been working on our back yard, and it's just a wonderful walk out there now, so nice and peaceful in the backyard and the sides of the houses.  Tomorrow, Mom will be putting the pumpkin sprouts in, and adding more mulch to certain areas.  I keep bringing the mulch home, trip after trip, this after several back-and-forths to Wal-mart to get that red mulch.  She's got some new plants and new areas set up, and so I was out there tonight, watering.  The chipmunks are scurrying about, feeling a little more comfortable now that the neighborhood cat has been expelled.  Each time the cat shows up, increasingly infrequent, we shoo him off, sometimes with a squirt gun.  Sorry, kitty.  You can't bite people.  This cat literally bit the hand that fed him.  So there's somewhat of a natural celebration outside, with all kinds of birds and squirrels and chipmunks, and of course the possums too.  The bluebirds are out of the birdhouse now, but mom and dad keep shuttling food from our feeder off to various branches on the trees, although soon those kids will have to fend for themselves with getting food.  

It's been a quiet day.  We were doing a few things related to Summer Xtreme in the office today, working towards that next big event.  Maddie is riding out the rest of the school year, taking a few tests and doing some work here and there, but things are clearly winding down.  

Tonight we were back at Area 51, at least with the latest episode of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  These episodes are winding down, and it is only actually the second time we've seen these particular episodes for season six and seven.  We had the popcorn and the couch time tonight, and then it was time for reading, and then time for prayers.  Maddie's routine with the plush friends, with messing up the Rubik's cube, with getting tucked in precisely the correct way... all of that is still ongoing, and it's great.  We all stay up a little after that, with Mom and I watching the news and other things sometimes afterwards.  Lots going on in the world as always, and as always, lots of noise.  The world is a crazy place.  We said our prayers, and slept well tonight, thankful for a nice quiet day. 

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