Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Maddie did a video call today which you can see above, and of course it's a funny image because she's gotten so close to the camera on the computer she's calling from.  Each day we talk while I'm at the office, and it's nice to hear from home.  Maddie had the day off, studying for the biology test she has tomorrow and just chilling at the house.  

It was Taco Tuesday today, and you can imagine the taco feast we had at the house.  We had lots and lots of rain today, and that was great for the yard of course.  The ground has been pretty thirsty.  Maddie and I had a few rounds of "Battlefront II," mainly because it's been a while.  And it was fun! 

Later on, we all watched "Inception," a movie Maddie hadn't seen before.  It's just been popping up in conversation a lot lately, and Camille watched it yesterday, so we popped that one in tonight.  Maddie liked it - it's a different flick, of course, and pretty influential.

It's been a rough day for our country, another horrible tragedy in Texas.  We're not so connected to the news, but we heard about this super late, and it was just a terrible day.  So awful.  

Also in the news, today was finally voting day for Georgia.  We voted last week with early voting, and after months of signs, phone calls, commercials and a huge pile of mailers, the first part of this election season is over with.  Some of the candidates we voted for won, and others didn't, and that's okay for this round as it is just the primaries and really most of the candidates should be good as they generally have the same core belief system.

Tonight we did have time to read, but we did get to bed after praying.  Tomorrow we get up early for a test, and one more day for ninth grade.

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