Saturday, May 14, 2022

Adirondack Chairs

Spontaneous Adirondack chairs!  We were looking for some of these, checking out online and elsewhere and seeing the pricing, wanting to add some to the fire pit area.  And lo!  There was a couple on the Riverstone Plantation community site who wanted to sell some of their Adirondack chairs.  We jumped on that offer right away, and here we are with a new set of chairs in the back yard.  Looks nice!  You might be wondering about the name Adirondack chair, as I was.  And so you don't have to do the research, these chairs are in fact named after the mountain range in New York, as there were many spas and resorts that featured these style chairs at a certain time.  So it very well could be called "Catskill chairs" or "Appalachian chairs" or even "Taconic chairs."  I'm okay with Adirondack chairs, although the name is a little more difficult to spell.  

The bluebirds are coming down to the feeder now, and they're super comfortable with us on the deck as well.  Everyone else flies off, but the bluebirds are just fine with us on deck.  We were at a few destinations this afternoon, firstly a thrift shop to find some costuming items for Maddie, and a few other items.  I found a Willie Nelson Christmas vinyl record that should be a fun listen around December.  We went over to this bird shop afterwards, and it was a very nice visit for us afterwards, where Mom picked up one thing for her birthday, a set of wind chimes that we set up at in the back yard a little later.  You can barely hear their sweet songs in the wind, and it's a nice addition to the back yard with the chairs.  We picked up a few other things as well, including a new hummingbird feeder, which we also hung up right away when we got home.

It was a decent day today, a quiet one that started out at Team Edge with practice for Maddie.  And after that...boba tea!  That's a weekly thing lately, at least that's the goal.  And it's now the goal for Maddie's upcoming birthday party, one with the theme of "boba."  That should be fun!

We read tonight, and we said our prayers as well.  It was a good day today, and a quiet one as well.  We'll take it!

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