Friday, May 6, 2022

Virtual Lunch Ladies

Maddie had another chill day today, a day home from school doing things virtually.  Except lunch.  There was no virtual lunch ladies. 

Although that would be fun.  Kids could try all kinds of virtual food items from the menu, and if you wanted to actually make it educational, there could be something about nutritional content or the history of pizza or whatever.  Or, it could be turned into a food fighting game where the lunch ladies suddenly rise up and begin slinging meat loaf, pizza, and turkey legs at students, who use food trays and tables for shields, desperately trying to fight back with all the tools they have at their table.  Will they be able to escape the onslaught?  Will they even be able to fight back and conquer the aggressive lunch ladies?

Speaking of fighting, today was taekwondo again.  Maddie was helping with a few others with their form, and we were watching from the observation area as always.  It was a beautiful day outside.  The pollen has been pretty rough for the allergies, but the back yard area is coming along nicely.  One alarming thing of note is the number of tiny spiders and spiderwebs on the back deck.  Yes, it appears as if the juro spiders are back already.  They're too small to really notice or pay attention to, except for the fact that we know what they'll turn into and how many of them there are out there.  So yes, we're already working on removing them as we see them, twenty or so at a time.  

I finished up the writing for this weekend's spy series, and it should be nice.  We also are celebrating Mother's Day again, and that's always good.  Lots of flowers at KidPak, carnations for the moms.  But flowers are everywhere this weekend - it's a big business for the supermarkets.

Tonight we continued our "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." binge-watching.  We're racing through season five like that super cool ginormous truck Sarge drives around.  It's been fun revisiting the series, and it'll be bittersweet when it's over.  When asked what we'll do when we're done watching, I think the answer is obvious:  we start all over again!

Anyway, tonight we read from our book before bed, and then we said our prayers too.  We've got another full weekend ahead of us!

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