Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day Birthday

Today was a big day of course.  Not only is it Mother's Day, but it's also Mom's birthday!  We started the day out at church, because it's also Sunday - we were at KidPak for our second Spy Games weekend.  Maddie and the other Spy Kids were out on stage again, this time assaulting our villainous henchmen with pool noodles, official spy gear of course.  It was a good morning, and right after that we were out and about picking up flowers, rotisserie chicken,  boxes of chocolate, and a special gluten-free ice cream cake for Mom for her day.  It was strawberry and vanilla flavored, and it was absolutely delicious with a warm strawberry sauce Mom made up, poured over with fresh strawberries on top as well.  These were not just any strawberries though - these were white strawberries, otherwise known as pineberries.  I had not heard of these, but we picked them up because they looked unusual and we thought we'd try them out.  Honestly, they just look like strawberries that aren't ripe yet.  But they're actually pretty good!

It was a really nice day outside.  We were working out in the yard afterwards, and just sitting on the back deck as well, just enjoying the lovely day.  I have the Christmas lights up along the frame of the canopy out there, and it looks nice in the evening, especially now that the torches are up and lit around the fire pit. It's coming along nicely.

I got Mom a nice card, one of those 3D cards that folds out.  It creates a small flower store, and looks nice.  Maddie picked a bouquet of flowers for Mom, and she and Nana were eating the chocolate from the boxes.  Afterwards, it was time for the end of season six of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  This has one of the craziest cliffhanger endings yet - super fun.

We read tonight from our book, and we prayed afterwards.  Our plush friends were along for the reading at story time, and of course Maddie messed up the Rubik's cube again so I'd have to fix it.  That's all part of the nightly routine.  Also part of the nightly routine:  sleep.  We're all tired, and tomorrow we get up early again.  It was a good day today, a really nice relaxing one later on this afternoon.  We'll get some rest now.

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