Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Bluebird Family

 We had KidPak today, and it went well as always with our "Spy Games" series continuing.  We had some trivia games and another "night vision" game that we revisited, and a strong message about having a "born-again" identity.  It was a super solid morning, one highlighted by the service upstairs where we honored our graduating classes.  It won't be long before Maddie is up there, and that's kinda crazy!

So we had a meeting to review and discuss emergency procedures at the church, basically evacuation plans and lockdown strategies.  We're sadly back in that world again now that there are people outside of their homes again.  Just yesterday there was a mass shooting and it's just awful.  News like this normally would be explosive, with the entire world in shock.  But we're getting numb to it, I suppose.  It hasn't always been this way, at least not to this extent.  

We got home, and I'm starting to think this sore throat is more than just allergies.  We ate some food, and shared a sarsaparilla as well.  Maddie was anxious to give it a try - I've had this bottle for a while now.  She got a shower after our late lunch/dinner, and some time after that, we were of course continuing our binge watch of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  We were doing some lawn work this afternoon, although in my case I was just watering the plants out there.  The back yard is looking very nice.

In fact, the bluebird family has come by to the feeder several times.  These are the ones that were born and raised in that little church birdhouse in our back yard, and here they are, all three of them looking strong and hungry.  Dad is seen feeding a few here as Mom takes a well-deserved break.  There are three younger birds that follow the Mom and Dad around - I'm not sure how long that lasts.  It's funny to watch them cry out for food when they are literally sitting inside the little tray that has food inside it.

Anyway, it's a nice atmosphere out there.  We have a couple chipmunks, and about three squirrels that like to ruin everything.  Because that's what squirrels do.  But we have a lot of other kinds of birds dropping by, even hummingbirds now.  We just ordered a bird bath for them too, so I think they'll like that when it arrives.  Pictures will come soon!

We read tonight, and again, I'm feeling under the weather. We prayed, and soon enough, we were all fast asleep.

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