Thursday, October 14, 2021

You are Good Enough

Pretty decent day today.  We had taekwondo tonight, and we're almost done with Kingdom Keepers book number six (RIP Dillard).  Later on tonight we had a cheese festival with seasonal cheese!  I have no idea what the bat knit crazy cheddar cheese is, except that it was a good cheddar cheese.  

And of course there's Wensleydale cheese there, which is a must for us now, thanks to Wallace & Gromit.  This was pumpkin spice flavored, but I believe there's another package at the local grocery store as well, one that I might have to run back to get.  We're just crackers about cheese!  As we were munching, we were sitting down to watch "Hotel Transylvania 2" with our little cheese arrangements that Mom made for us, small plates with slices of cheese, crackers, grapes and apple slices too.  Maddie was doing homework and wanting to get to bed earlier, but she dropped in to grab a cracker or two.  

Maddie posted something on her social media account, and it seemed nice enough to post here.  We'll close the day's entry with that.

For anyone that needs to hear this:
You are good enough, you are beautiful/handsome, you are smart, you are full of worth. People may tell you otherwise, but they’re wrong. People may try to break you down to make you feel bad, but you’re not what they say you are. You’re not the negative things they say. You’re not a mistake. Your past does not define you. You are not messed up. You are perfect the way you are. Yes, there’s always going to be something you need to work on, but you don’t need to change yourself to fit everyone else’s image because there’s always going to be a hater in your life that will try to break you down, but you are full of worth. Don’t let the negative sink into your heart because you are so much better than the world says. Believe in yourself. You are smart, beautiful/handsome, enough, doing great, affecting people’s lives for the better, you are one of a kind.

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