Monday, October 25, 2021

Mushroom Fest

So Josh's family has all these mushrooms to deliver, and given that his dad has been recovering from a certain virus of late, Josh himself has had the mushrooms to haul around, and he's had extras to unload as bonus mushrooms, so the end result is a mushroom-a-palooza at our house.  We have about ten portobellos, a huge box of white mushrooms, cremeni mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms too.  Mom had these stuffed mushrooms tonight for dinner with a mushroom cream sauce over them, and we're planning on grilling those massive portobellos, although Shobie has some of them too and had an idea about making some sort of mushroom pizza out of them, using the portobello as the crust, and piling the ingredients on the top.  It was a mushroom kind of day.  A few of us at the office are dreaming up countless variations of mushroom dishes, or sharing mushroom recipes and images.  I'm not sure how long we can eat mushrooms, actually, before we get tired of them.  But it's a fun change of pace.

Maddie had taekwondo tonight, which went well of course.  She's helping train a few other new students, going light on some of the sparring with some of the rookies.  Soon this will be the only thing she does after school, as tomorrow is her last piano class.  We went straight home after that, and lately Nana takes a bath after that, and after that we have to watch a movie or something, at least I need to set something up for her to watch, but she'll only watch that with Mom, so the two of them are on the couch with me until Maddie calls down from her room to announce she's ready for bed, so whatever it is I'm watching I don't expect to watch anyway.  Maddie was studying a little bit, but she was laughing a lot tonight, texting on and off on the cellphone.  When it was time to read, I had to wait for the texting to stop long enough to get a word in edgewise - but when we started, we began reading a new book, "Kingdom Keepers VII."  It's advertised as the last in the series, and maybe that was the plan at the time, but we all know there are at least three more books plus another novella.  I only the first chapter read - Tia Dalma is back, and is Maleficent really dead?  Sure she's not, right?  

We're getting ready for the winter today somewhat.  I picked up a LOT of firewood, enough for fire pits and fireplaces.  We'll have a good bit of fuel there should we need it.  We're starting to stock up on other items too, gradually increasing our supply of items that we might need in any emergency.  Before 2020, that sort of talk was somewhat crazy sounding.  But you never know.  I remember before 2006 when the hurricane hit New Orleans, and remembering the shortages back then.  It doesn't take much, and so rather than being paranoid about it all, it's just a healthy idea to keep a little more of those necessary items in your house for back up.  Mom is sort of organizing some of that now.

I did my walking today, listening to that new TMBG release as I marched along to the beat.  It's always great to hear from these guys.  I'm really enjoying "BOOK," and so glad the band is still releasing new material.  The Instant Fan Club has been a great thing, one perk being that I get this new release weeks before everyone else.  To quote one song title, "Super Cool."

Well, it's been an okay day today.  I'm tired.  So goodnight.

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