Monday, October 11, 2021

Fire Pit

Mom added the chairs and the tiki lights, and then a grill and a few pieces of wood.  Now suddenly we’ve got ourselves the start of a fire pit area that should work out really nicely.  We can’t wait to try it out, probably at our pumpkin carving party this upcoming weekend!  This has been done a little at a time, starting with the measuring out, and then clearing out grass and moss.  We hauled down the stones for the wall first, putting them into place carefully, and then we lugged down quite a few bags of sand for the sitting area, followed by the pea gravel to lay down on top of that.  I got about seven bags of lava rock to put into the fire pit, placing that on top of the layers of sand within.  Mom circled the entire thing with a barrier, and then brought down the chairs and set up the tiki lights and wood as you can see.  Another thing she did was add the plants and flowers around the edge, and I brought down the mulch to line around those. The end result turned out well, and of course in time we'll get some nice chairs to put out there.  Mom's excited about using this area, and building up around further.

Tonight we had taekwondo, and after that, "Beetlejuice" for Mom, Nana and I.  I'm not sure what Nana thinks of our movie selections - I think she's just grateful to be seating with the family watching something!  Maddie was working on homework tonight, but we did get some breaks in there for ordering the school pictures this year.  Maddie likes how they turned out, so we ordered some which should arrive eventually.  The government restrictions are making mail schedules difficult, so the end result is that places like this have to put on a disclaimer about when we'll actually receive our product, and that there might be delays even further than that.  This is everywhere.  I myself have to get our booklets for KidPak completed earlier, so we can account for any delays when they're actually sent to our various campuses in OC or Spartanburg.

Anyway, we were getting a few things done today - I got the car updated and inspected.  Now for the tags. It's Columbus Day, or whatever they're calling it nowadays.  The end result is that many other people were there at the card dealership, so I had a much longer wait.  I had another book with me, so I actually read a little from Hebrews, but I also read from the second of the "Dummy" series from RL Stine.  I actually finished that book, seeing how a family worked together to defeat Slappy.  These are fun books!

The Atlanta Braves won again, and it seems likely they're off to the National League Championships once more.  Everyone's excited about that again, although the entire state of Georgia seems to have they're levels of expectation in check.  We know very well what it's like to get to championship games - it's the winning part that we're not exactly familiar with.  Still, it's always great fun to cheer on the Braves. They clearly weren't supposed to be here this year, and they weren't supposed to be here last year either.  They keep surpassing expectations.  And perhaps that trend will continue this year - we'll see.  We have at least one really tough team to face upcoming.

We read tonight as always, and then we said our prayers.  It was time to get to bed early.  It was a decent day today.

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