Friday, October 29, 2021

EdgeFest 2021

Tonight's Edgefest event was a great night for the families, and as you can see above, the theme was a Jurassic Park style adventure.  Several inflatable T-rex costumes showed up for the event, but so did my pet raptor that we've been using at the church lately.  

Mrs. Edge is seen even riding a dinosaur there!  This event is a yearly tradition we've been attending now for  several years.  The first time was back in 2015, and in fact that was the first time Maddie visited Edge ATA studios.  From there, she was familiar enough with the location to give it a try soon after, and see about attending a summer camp.

But for tonight, Maddie and I were off and running as Wanda and Vision, the first time we actually wore these costumes out to an event.  We were ready to be heroes and hang with the dinosaurs.

The weather was a little drizzly to start out with, and on top of that cold.  But that didn't dampen the enthusiasm that families had, showing up to visit all the different trunks, hang out with friends, and get free candy. 

Maddie's friend Ginger showed up, invited by Maddie just recently.  The two were hanging out once Ginger arrived, although before that, Maddie was hanging around with some of her fellow students.

They went from trunk to trunk, joining with the activities and getting free candy at each stop too.  There were other things to get as well, including a stop with a mad scientist, who created snow for everyone.  And there were photo ops with my dinosaur too.  The kids loved it when he came out!

Alongside the building, to go along with the theme, they had "Jurassic Park:  The Lost World" playing on the wall, projected there in the dark.

The themes of the trunks were creative and fun.  Some were themed to the Addams Family, others themed to mad scientists and creations, and there was also one themed to "Nightmare Before Christmas."

I love the Oogie Boogie pumpkin, the Zero pumpkin, and of course the Jack Skellington one.  The theme song was playing as well.  Maddie got candy from all of these, and from another location, she even got free pictures.  There was a photo booth set up at one location - you can see the pictures she got there below, ones I just recently scanned:

It was a fun night.  The dinosaur theme made it extra special, with our dinosaur stepping out from time to time to visit with everyone.  None of the kids were really scared.

Oh yeah, and look here below - I brought this in, and they put it at the DJ table prominently displayed!

My "Lost World" pumpkin came out really well this year.  They put a really bright flashlight inside it, and the thing really glowed at night.  It looked pretty cool!  They're keeping it until tomorrow, but everyone appreciated this one.

Maddie had a great time hanging out, and of course half the candy was probably eaten before she got in the car to get home.  The rain was a nuisance, but it didn't deter everyone from running around and having a good time.  There were plenty even on the inflatables, jumping and sliding around. 

And I'm so glad our dinosaur got another night of usefulness.  It really was a hit tonight, as the families swarmed over to get a picture with it, along with the super cool KidPak backdrop behind it.

Maddie took this picture of her friend, who is Snoopy.  Maddie is Wanda Maximoff, of course.  A wet version.  

It was a great night.  We left from there to go to the Dominican restaurant a few storefronts down, and after that, home.  It was a full night, and we were still cold and a little wet. But it was super fun.  We got changed, read from our book, said our prayers, and got to sleep pretty quickly tonight.  That is, as soon as we finished watching the Braves win another World Series game...!

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