Saturday, October 2, 2021

Corn Maze 2021

We had another full day today, and we'll start here with the evening's fun, a return trip to Jaemor Farms, primarily to check out this year's corn maze!  You can see the gang above, ready to tackle the formidable corn maze.  Last year we used the map and it took us a while.  This year, we opted to not use the map again as the maze looked a little bit easier.  And in fact, it was super easy to get through.  Here's Maddie, live-streaming the event with friends as we march through the corn stalks.

It was a little anticlimactic at the end.  The weird tradition here for most mazes is a central middle point of the maze, a wooden bridge that sort of marks the halfway point.  This below is the only bridge we saw:

The other bridge was there, but we just never needed to go over it, and as a result, we never realized how far along we were, and in fact, we just "felt" out way out of the maze rather quickly.  So quickly, in fact, that Maddie wanted to go back in there and do it again afterwards.  So we did just that, and the big goal of ours was to find that bridge!

Here's a picture Maddie took from the top of the bridge.  I'm happy to say we did in fact find that bridge, although the funny thing was we did most of the maze all over again and nearly got to the exit again before we realized we had to turn around and go deeper into the maze in order to find that bridge.  It wasn't in the place it was supposed to be on the map, so that threw us off.  Anyway, the picture above is from the bridge, and here are a few other pictures along the way.

Maddie took this one below of the corn stalks, and I thought it came out really well.

And here below is a picture of Maddie in the midst of the maze, and yes, I'm on the bridge looking down on her as I took the photo.

And here's Maddie on the bridge, a little worn out from the multiple trips through the maze, but we weren't worried about getting out because it's a pretty simple design.  Just a lot of walking!

So anyway, the group did a lot of other things here, just like we usually do on these trips.  There were tricycles for younger kids...

Painted hay bales and corn stalk tunnels...

And of course, the apple cannons...!

These launched apples at targets in the woods with a tremendous boom!  Maddie aimed and fired, as did we all.  These cannons are the real deal!

Decorations were all around, and a live musician too - a guy with a guitar playing for the crowd seated nearby.

Maddie had a great time, as did we all.  I didn't get on a tricycle this year, as I wanted to take some pictures.  But everyone else did, and of course it was funny watching all these grown-ups racing around on tricycles amongst these kids.

Ah, the web.  I'm not sure if this is a tribute to the joro spiders or what, but there was a great big rope web here on the ground, and I'm guessing it's primarily there for photo ops.  Which we did.  I told Draven there to the right to look like he was trapped in a web, and he was happy to oblige!

Here's the rubber duck races, where you use the water pump there to race a duck across the piping, seeing if you can beat your fellow competitors in the other lanes.

Ah, and here's Maddie trapped in the web again.  It was actually kind of comfortable in there.  I hopped on, along with others, and sat there talking for a bit.  But then we remembered the tractor ride...

We were in some carts being pulled by a big tractor over the farm area.  It wasn't so much a hay ride, as there was no hay.  But we did roll by the flower gardens, the pumpkin patches and a few other areas.  It was a pleasant ride.

And speaking of pleasant, here's some of the food we ate tonight.  Maddie took this photo of the funnel cake.  Isaac and Josie got some funnel cake, so we ordered some next and sat there enjoying it as the live musician continued his tunes.  

It was a great night together.  We left and got home at a reasonable time, although we have to get up early tomorrow.  We watched something short on television, another Wallace and Gromit episode.  And then we were off to bed for the night, after prayers and some reading.

The rest of the day was pretty routine for a Saturday.  Maddie had her Team Edge practice, and she also had a meeting with the instructors and assistants for Edge ATA, so that made for a three-hour time slot there.  Meanwhile, I was getting the remaining pea gravel for the fire pit, which we put out.  Mom and Nana were cleaning out a lot of the brush and debris in the wooded area behind our back yard, and together we were making a dent in the yard work out back.  It's really coming along!

It was a good day today.  We got a lot of things done, and then of course we had a lot of fun at the close of things with our adventure in a corn maze.

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