Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dino Fun


Our raptor made another appearance on stage this morning, and it was a good one for everyone.  Daniel is somewhat of a dinosaur handler in the picture above, bribing the raptor there with a can of Beanie Weenies.  Apparently raptors really like that sort of thing.

Anyway, it was a great morning this morning, with a full cast too.  Maddie was up there on stage.  We wrapped up our ongoing story this morning on stage, but we do have one more weekend of this series left. It's been a lot of fun.  We've been looking forward to doing this series for years, and now here we are at the end of it already.  It's been better than I even thought it could be, with lots of fun new additions and laughs.  The messages were always great - I remember coming up with these at the beach some time ago, imagining a great series some day.  Here are some pictures from this morning, both backstage and on stage too.

The rest of the day flew by pretty quickly.  We got home and had some tikka masala that Mom had made, and then Maddie was off to take a shower.  Meanwhile, I needed a rest.  I just plopped on the couch - Sunday afternoon - and started a movie that sucked in Nana and Mom too.  It was a seasonal movie called "Under Wraps," which was a movie about a trio of kids reviving a mummy from a mysterious neighbor's basement.  It was actually a pretty fun movie, again if you set in your mind a made-for-tv Disney sort of movie.  

Right after that, it was time for FCY, which started a new series for the youth.  Take a look at this photo Maddie took of the lobby area at the north campus!  The light filtering through like that is just amazing.  This was the location of our main campus, where we went to church, for so long.

Maddie was there with her friends at a service, followed by small groups.  She had a great time, staying there from 4:30 to around 7:45 or so.  That's typical for Sunday evenings though.  She doesn't want to miss any of these services, although we'll do just that in a couple weeks due to a wedding and certain yearly holiday.  

And speaking of that, we watched a short thing together tonight when we got home, the David S. Pumpkins special.  We still laugh at this one!  We were off to bed after watching a few themed Mickey Mouse shorts, and you could tell everyone was getting a little tired.  Maddie was up late last night and had a pretty full day today, starting early.  We still made sure we read from our Kingdom Keepers adventure, followed by prayers as always.  Off to bed we went after that, all of us.  We got to bed early tonight, as the weekend was pretty full, and pretty fun!

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