Monday, July 19, 2021

The Hunt for Bigfoot

Today was a busy day for me, starting out with cardio therapy - only four more sessions left!  It went well, but it's getting more challenging to raise that heart rate to 130, as I was doing 4.2 mph at one point with an 11% grade for about forty-five minutes.  The heart rate was staying low, which means it's getting healthier and healthier, and that's great.  

I got home, and we had a big lunch together with the family, and after that... we were off to find Bigfoot again!

Of course, this was a trip to the Expedition Bigfoot museum in Gilmer County.  It's quite a drive, and the weather's been super rainy. But we made it up there and spent some time looking around, reading stories, watching videos, and taking pictures like these:

The pins mark sightings and placements of Bigfoot.  Notice the lack of Bigfoot sightings in Forsyth County.  Someone's going to have to head out there, sit in the woods, and do some research.  We might even set up a desk like this for making casts:

And then make movies like this one about possible sightings in the area:

We'll listen in carefully, being sure to listen for sticks banging against tree trunks and characteristic howling.

Mom looks cute here, doesn't she?  She was leading the tour of the family, having visited this place before back in July of 2019.  She took them back to read a few things, such as this interesting story from nearby Dahlonega:

In the end, it was an interesting stop, although a quicker one.  As you can see here, we were trying to get out the door, but there was something huge out there that was just super terrifying.

We got home, and we did so quickly - not because Bigfoot chased us out of there.  It was actually because Maddie had taekwondo tonight.  We were there for a bit, and then home again, eating yet another big meal tonight.  Mom had kabobs made, and they were really good.  I was grilling them outside for a bit, just before the huge rains came again.  We got inside, and all of us enjoyed a really fantastic meal together.  Then, it was time for Nacho Libre.  Seriously, we were watching that movie again tonight, mainly because Brandon had never seen it before.  That movie still cracks me up!

We finished reading "Kingdom Keepers IV" tonight, and we said our prayers too.  I'm so wiped out right now!  I was asleep fairly quickly, but Maddie has been staying up reading her latest book from the library, "The Mysterious Benedict Society."  She's really enjoying this one!

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