Friday, July 26, 2019

Expedition Bigfoot

This morning, Daddy got the car taken care of, and we did quite a few more things this morning that were basic "maintenance."  It was a pleasant morning - we got a few things done with piano, cleaning, and just a few other tasks on the list.  But as soon as Daddy returned, we were off an an expedition!

It was a Bigfoot expedition!  We drove up to Blue Ridge and paid a visit to a museum that we haven't gone to yet, one dedicated to anything related to Bigfoot.  It's a very comprehensive collection, a place filled with stories, casts, pictures, equipment, drawings, videos, and all kinds of material.  Here below are some of the pictures we took, and some captions we posted when sharing this on another social media site.  It was a fun visit!

We spotted Bigfoot!  That wasn't so hard.

Our expert team of trackers listens in on the howls of a Sasquatch!  

This museum actually had a large collection of artifacts and donated material from Bigfoot hunters around the globe.

The green dots are sightings, the yellow are possible sightings, and the reddish colors are places where Bigfoot goes to a little more often than others. Apparently, East Point is a hot spot for Sasquatches?  Our area where we live didn't have quite as many visits, but just north of us is a pretty popular place for Bigfeet!

This would be a great name for a rock band.  It goes without saying that if you see this on the ground, you should be very careful.

Just put this on the Christmas wish list. It's great for golf courses AND tracking down Bigfoot! 

The working area of a Bigfoot tracker. The truth is out there!  This area looked like it is still being used as a gathering place for those who spend their time tracking, a place to share information and so on.

Welcome to Expedition: Bigfoot! This Sasquatch Museum entrance here had sculptures, Tibetan prayer flags, a map of the Himalayas and more photo ops.

The Ape Canyon incident is dramatized here, as desperate miners attempt to hold back the door to stop several large hairy creatures, who were apparently somewhat upset at one of the miners for shooting one of them.  Several of these stops had earphones where you could pop some on and listen to stories and sound effects.

Fortunately, the name "Big FOOT" caught on before people started seeing this cast.

David leads an inspiring lecture about Mr. Foot. Please hold all questions until the end.   This room was a nice little gathering place, and you could picture the owners of this facility being excellent hosts for all the Bigfoot trackers throughout the world.  

The Purported Sasquatch is a legendary figure of the Cohutta Forest region. This sample was found in a campground's shower drain.

Many, many foot casts were on display here at the museum, along with knuckle casts. Could these be footprints of a Gigantopithecus?  A video proposed this simple thought, about a Gigantopithecus species still roaming the earth.  That's a word I never heard of before "The Jungle Book," but it's fascinating to think that something like that did exist, and these creatures were very large! 

Q: Has anyone been able to take a video of the hairy creature that roams the Himalayas?  
A: Not YETI!
There were a few exhibits dedicated to the yeti as well, as it is basically just Bigfoot, only with white fur.  One interesting thing we learned here was about just how many cultures believed in this same creature.  It's something that every continent has a name for.

Air Yeti

Evidently the story of Bigfoot goes back many, many years as well. Madison said that's the totem pole from Gravity Falls.  One of our selling points in getting her here was comparing this place to the Mystery Shack!

Spotted outside - a whole family of them!

Why you want to leave me!?  For some reason, we thought this carved sculpture looked somewhat like the dad from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding!"  That may be a stretch, but regardless, we were saying "Why you want to leave me" for a while.

Madison got a new friend in the gift shop, a small yeti she's named "Everest."  Daddy picked up a new ornament from the gift shop, a small Bigfoot that says, "Believe!"

Bonus visit, just up the street:  Its a Muffler Man!
We got home a little later, deciding to return to the house versus waiting around for the drive-in movie there.  We'll do that perhaps later, as there is a drive-in movie actually in Blue Ridge.  It's technically closer to us than the one in Tiger, Georgia. The irony is that "Toy Story 3" was the last movie we saw at a drive-in, and "Toy Story 4" was playing at this one tonight, roughly nine years later.

We got home, and tonight we decided to watch "Harry and the Hendersons" because why not?  Madison had not seen this movie, and Daddy has seen it about a zillion times back in the day.  I have this movie memorized, apparently.  It's still good though - it hasn't aged at all, and Rick Baker's costume is such a wonderful creation, so full of heart.  Harry is a Bigfoot you can really cheer for - the movie is just so much fun to watch, even all these years later.

We did our reading tonight, and said our prayers before bed.  It was a pleasant day today with a little adventure thrown in for good measure.  Bigfoot was the theme of the day, obviously.  I think we were inspired by "A Goofy Movie" the other day.  Anyway, the map above didn't have any sightings of Bigfoot in our county so much, but you never know.  Maybe the next time we hear the sound of rustling outside, perhaps that's something bigger outside in our back yard.  Perhaps I'd better go check for footprints... big footprints...

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