Sunday, July 28, 2019

New Volunteer

Madison was serving her first Sunday at KidPak today, mainly standing alongside the walls and ready to be of assistance to any of the older volunteers during service.  This consists of escorting kids to the bathroom, and perhaps some behavioral issues - a tap on the shoulder, and a redirection of focus for a kid who is being a distraction.  Madison didn't have to do too much though, as the number of kids here are down somewhat, this due to summer month activities. Lots of people go on vacation.

Speaking of which, Mommy was doing some vacation research today, and it sounds like we'll be doing some fun stuff this October.  It'll be a good mix of things we've done before, some seasonal things, and some new things we've been wanting to check out.  It'll be fun!

We watched another Spider-man movie, continuing our Spider-fest.  We're almost done with that, and in fact we are done with the book we've been reading, "Heir to the Empire."  The girls liked this book, with Madison liking it so much that she wants to move on to part two tomorrow.  Again, these are the sequels we Star Wars fans were hoping for.  But they're still good to go back and read.  Books are so good at taking you to new worlds, or in this case, several new worlds.

It was a quiet, and frankly kind of dull day.  But it went well this morning, with church services taking up a majority of the day.  We're in the summer months, so this series is good to visit again as we prepare for the newer series coming in August.  We're going to the Toy Box, and that'll be fun.  Daddy has finished writing on that, and it is shaping up to be a really fun series.  Mommy is ordering costumes and looking at how to make other costuming elements.  The set is being created, and the it's all coming together.  It'll be great!

Madison is good with being a volunteer of different roles until she goes back on stage again.  She's anxious to go back on stage, and in fact will go on stage again in December for sure.  We may have her do that before then - we'll see.  But other volunteer jobs are there, from photography to sound booth work to what she did today.  She'll try them all, or whatever she wants to do.  We're just happy to see her helping out, and the staff was happy to see it too.  She looked great there with her black volunteer vest, there to assist.  Really, that's pretty much what she was doing before though - helping out.  Now it's official!

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